404-wave / 404-project

CMPUT 404 Distributed Social Network
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 3 forks source link


CMPUT 404 Distributed Social Network

Promo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JXo1xYwdx4

Licensing and Contributors

Generally, everything is licensed under Apache 2 by Z-Red.


Araien Zach Redfern 
Austin PennyFeather 
Kerry Li 
Allison Boukall 
Shu-Jun Pierre Lin 

TITLE: Make a div into a link
URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/796087/make-a-div-into-a-link
ANSWER: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3494108
AUTHOR: thepeer - https://stackoverflow.com/users/79527/thepeer

How to set up nodes

On the remote server:

1.) Create an account for the local host using the registration page
2.) go to the admin page
3.) find the node you added as a USER (user table).
4.) set the “is-active” to true
5.) set the HOST to be the HOSTNAME for that node. ( for localhosts)
6.) save
On the local host:v 1.) go to the admin interface
2.) add a new row in the Node table
3.) set the HOST to be the host you are CONNECTING TO (http://Heroku whatever...)
4.) add the username and password you set up in the last set of steps
Think of it like this.... on any node, you need other nodes to authenticate with you, so the foreign nodes must be users.

But, when you want to add foreign nodes to get info from, you just add them to the Node table

How to run the project locally:

# Create a virtual environment
1. virtualenv venv --python=python3

# Activate your virtual environment
2. source venv/bin/activate

# Install all dependencies
3. pip install -r requirements.txt 

# Run database migrations
4. python3 manage.py migrate

# Create a local super user
5. python3 manage.py createsuperuser

# Activate the super user
6. python manage.py shell
   from users.models import User
   user = User.objects.filter(username='{name of superuser created}')[0]
   user.is_active = True

# Run the server locally 
7. python3 manage.py runserver


Below there is a list of which endpoints are currently working. For posts and comments, it is required to send a header with the requesting user's UUID in the following format: X-UUID: {UUID}. This is required to resolve the privacy concerns of various posts. That is, to determine whether the requesting user can or cannot view the post(s) in question.

Note: Pagination works for any endpoint endpoint related to posts or comments.


In this section, requesting user refers to the author who made the request, which would be specified by the 'X-UUID' header.

GET /author/posts/: returns all posts, visible to the requesting user, from our server and our connected nodes but only if the request came from a user that we host on our server. The point here is to show that (1) we can return foreign posts in the API and (2) that we could call our own API to populate the streams on our site. However, if the request to this endpoint came from a Node that we are connected to, we do not return foreign posts, since this creates cluttering/duplicates and potentially violates the access policies imposed by other servers. In short, if the request comes from our own server, it would return foreign posts, but if the request comes from a connected Node, we will only return posts hosted on our server. And to clarify, we have augmented it in this fashion because it is problematic for our partner servers, but also because Alex and Ruby requested that we have an andpoint that is capable of returning foreign posts. In this way, we have found a way to make both the Teaching Assistants and our partners happy, while finding still a way to utilize the foreign post nature of this endpoint.

GET /posts/: returns all publicly available posts that exist on our server. That is, posts from other servers will not be shown when this endpoint is called. This is in coordination with the requirement, "a GET without a postfixed “postid” should return a list of all “PUBLIC” visibility posts on your node"

GET /author/{AUTHOR_ID}/posts/: returns all posts from AUTHOR_ID that are visible to the requesting user and that exist on our server. That is, for an {AUTHOR_ID} that is not hosted on our server, you will not see their posts.

GET /posts/{POST_ID}/: returns a single post if it is visible to the requesting user and that post exists on our server. This will not get a post that is hosted on another server.

An example response:

    "query": "posts",
    "count": 1,
    "size": 50,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "posts": [
            "id": "a27b37c4-bae9-4b15-9b01-e1c2f1def47e",
            "user": "8ac6dd85-2f2f-4b40-8188-791bfd215dfc",
            "contentType": "text/plain",
            "categories": [],
            "description": "Text post",
            "published": "2019-04-02T13:58:47.164233+00:00",
            "title": "gary1 - Apr 2, 2019, at 13:58 PM",
            "content": "Hello! My name is Gary. Everyday I release new cat facts. Follow me and let's chat chat(fr)!",
            "author": {
                "id": "8ac6dd85-2f2f-4b40-8188-791bfd215dfc",
                "host": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com",
                "displayName": "gary1",
                "url": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/author/8ac6dd85-2f2f-4b40-8188-791bfd215dfc",
                "github": ""
            "comments": [
                    "author": {
                        "id": "f6ea3270-3e4d-4547-9ee6-8def7f1fe01a",
                        "url": "https://myblog-cool.herokuapp.com/service/author/f6ea3270-3e4d-4547-9ee6-8def7f1fe01a",
                        "host": "https://myblog-cool.herokuapp.com/",
                        "displayName": "Jackson0",
                        "github": "https://github.com/Zhipeng-Chang/"
                    "comment": "Hi Gary!",
                    "published": "2019-04-02T14:32:30.324495Z",
                    "id": "6ebffa4e-0100-4136-8de2-ecd1ac045c96"
            "visibility": "PUBLIC",
            "visibleTo": null,
            "unlisted": false,
            "source": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/posts/a27b37c4-bae9-4b15-9b01-e1c2f1def47e/",
            "origin": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/posts/a27b37c4-bae9-4b15-9b01-e1c2f1def47e/"

POST service/posts/{POST_ID}: insert a new post. The restriction that we impose for this is that the author's ID must match a valid user that we host on our server.

An example of what to POST (this is all that we require):

    "content":"Here is some POSTed post content. Neat-o!",
    "author":{ "id":"https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/service/author/da986903-8f86-4fc3-ba02-69ef5e6e6e9f"},


GET service/posts/{POST_ID}/comments/: returns all comments in a post if the post is visible to the requesting user, and that post is hosted on our server.


    "query": "comments",
    "count": 1,
    "size": 50,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "comments": [
            "author": {
                "id": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/author/da986903-8f86-4fc3-ba02-69ef5e6e6e9f",
                "url": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/author/da986903-8f86-4fc3-ba02-69ef5e6e6e9f",
                "host": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com",
                "displayName": "waveAdmin",
                "github": "Z-Red"
            "comment": "Wow what a great post, on such a great website.",
            "published": "2019-03-28T21:41:15.965975Z",
            "id": "11085ac2-25a6-4ef3-8b2e-ade3f1e02eed"

POST service/posts/{POST_ID}/comments/: add a new comment to an existing post, only if that post is hsoted on our server.

Example of what to POST:

    "query": "addComment",
    "post": "3f46f9c3-256f-441c-899e-928b095df627",
    "comment": {
        "author": {
            "id": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/author/da986903-8f86-4fc3-ba02-69ef5e6e6e9f",
            "host": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com",
            "url": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/author/da986903-8f86-4fc3-ba02-69ef5e6e6e9f",
            "github": ""
        "comment": "A POSTed comment for Zach by the Admin.",
        "content_type": "text/plain",
        "published": "2019-03-27T21:44:20.004517",
        "id": "42e37403-ca6b-4733-9af6-33c02fd58797"


GET service/author/{AUTHOR_ID}/friends: returns all friends of AUTHOR_ID.


    "query": "friends",
    "authors": [

GET service/author/{AUTHOR_ID1>/friends/{AUTHOR_ID2}: returns a response specifying if AUTHOR_ID1 is a friend of AUTHOR_ID2.


    "query": "friends",
    "authors": [
    "friends": true

POST service/author/{AUTHOR_ID}/friends: accepts a list of authors and returns a list of authors that are friends of AUTHOR_ID.

Example request:

    "authors": [

Example response:

    "authors": [


POST service/friendrequest: accepts two authors and creates a friend request if they are not already friends. Author is the user from our server and friend is the requesting user from a foreign server.

Example request:

    "author": {
    "friend": {



GET service/author/{AUTHOR_ID}: returns the profile associated with AUTHOR_ID.

Example response:

    "id": "https://cmput-404-proj-test.herokuapp.com/author/39500b60-210f-4318-81e0-08e18489d77e",
    "host": "https://cmput-404-proj-test.herokuapp.com",
    "displayName": "waveTestAdmin",
    "url": "https://cmput-404-proj-test.herokuapp.com/author/39500b60-210f-4318-81e0-08e18489d77e",
    "friends": [
            "id": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/author/da986903-8f86-4fc3-ba02-69ef5e6e6e9f",
            "host": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com",
            "displayName": "waveAdmin",
            "url": "https://cmput404-wave.herokuapp.com/author/da986903-8f86-4fc3-ba02-69ef5e6e6e9f"
            "id": "https://cmput-404-proj-test.herokuapp.com/author/fc9239c0-5d8c-451c-847b-b68d26a40df9",
            "host": "https://cmput-404-proj-test.herokuapp.com",
            "displayName": "boopbop",
            "url": "https://cmput-404-proj-test.herokuapp.com/author/fc9239c0-5d8c-451c-847b-b68d26a40df9"
    "github": "Z-Red",
    "firstName": "Zach",
    "lastName": "Redfern",
    "email": "zred@gmail.com",
    "bio": "\"I like to party\" - Andy Samberg"