This is when you finally understand why a URL starts with HTTP
- This project is about writing your own HTTP server.
- You will be able to test it with an actual browser.
- HTTP is one of the most used protocols on the internet.
- Knowing its arcane will be useful, even if you won’t be working on a website.
This project is..
Webserver benchmarking nginx's config and some features.
I/O Multiplexing with kqueue
Nginx 의 기능일부와 config를 벤치마킹하여 만든 "웹 서버" 입니다.
What we did was...
- Socket & socket settings
- IO/Multiplexing with Kqueue
- read & write buffer management
- CGI processing
- CGI environment setting
- pipe management
- Parsing
- configuration file syntax checking
- HTTP 1.1 Request Message
- URI, HTTP METHOD, header
- partial message process
- Cookie & Session Management
소켓, Kqueue, 읽기/쓰기 버퍼 관리, CGI 처리, HTTP 요청/응답처리, 쿠키/세션 처리
2022-11-22 ~ 2023-01-18
Evaluation Score
Project Things
Project Convention
RFC Documents
Logic flow chart