Welcome to our developer friendly API service! :-)
We make it easy for you to add custom telephony features that are perfectly suited to the way you do things – because sometimes ‘off the shelf’ just doesn't cut it.
You can use 46elks for:
Use your api keys and run this in your terminal:
curl https://api.46elks.com/a1/sms \
-u <api_username>:<api_password> \
-d from=CurlyElk \
-d to=+46766861004 \
-d message="Test message to your phone."
All code examples are public domain and can be used freely.
C - C# | .NET - Elixir - Go - Google apps - haskell - HTML - PHP - Python - Ruby - Java - Node.js - cURL
Show all coding examples for all languages
Modules, SDKs and libraries
Have you written a tutorial or created an app that you're willing to share? Let us know at hello@46elks.com!
If there is an integration that you could benefit from please get in touch.
Are you helping others learn how to code? Doing a workshop or a lesson on APIs? Get in touch if you'd like to use the 46elks API to help more people learn about APIs.
Email: community@46elks.com
We are keen on helping out, and we'd be happy to help you with preparations, mentoring and give away boosted credit packages for participants. Talk to us. We're also particularily interested in helping events and organizations working with teaching coding to beginners, initiatives that encourage diversity in IT, and among conferences. We enjoy meetups, let us know if you’d like for someone to come and hold a presentation about APIs - getting started with apis, how to send an sms in PHP/Python/Elixir/Ruby/Go or another language - we love to learn and share! We exist to help you build useful and cool things!
Contact 46elks
Email: hello@46elks.com
Twitter: @46elks
Instagram: @46elks