49thSecurityDivision / lab

Scripts that make lab life easier
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49th Security Division Lab

Lab Trolls


Do not use your own machine to test and create scripts for this repository, but also don't clone the repo yet (I will show you when to clone in instructions). Please use the vagrant box that is provided. Instructions for setup are below. (directory for this is vagrant file is here)


packages needed for this vagrant box will be as follows, I can guarantee that the versions I list on Arch will work with everything...don't know about other distros and it would take too long to test... :D


├── creds
│   ├── all.pass
│   ├── rsa-keys
│   │   ├── ctf_prov
│   │   └── ctf_prov.pub
│   └── rsa-pull
│       ├── access.json
│       └── client_secret.json
└── lab
    └── 49thlab_dev
        ├── ansible_prov
        │   ├── ansible_vagrant-manage.yml
        │   ├── pre-prov.yml
        │   ├── prov-google_api.yml
        │   └── prov.yml
        ├── bash_prov
        │   ├── prov-google_api.sh
        │   └── prov.sh
        └── Vagrantfile

other important info

I have not been maintiaining the bash scripts to work just as effectively as the ansible scripts. If you want to use the bash scripts please create another branch (since we will mainly be using ansible in the lab).

For more info checkout the 49thlab_dev folders README.md

After you have completed the setup you are good to start developing. We can share all the credential information we need to through lastpass, so we don't post any plaintext creds on the repo.

Repo Submodules and Projects

