4RSIM3R / sutoko

A Dead Simple Satu Sehat Sync UI Tools (Hidup Pak Menkes....!, Bismillah Staff Muda)
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Sutoko: A Dead Simple Satu Sehat Integration Interface

Sutoko is an intuitive and straightforward interface designed for seamless integration with Satu Sehat. Unlike previous solutions, Sutoko provides enhanced integration capabilities, allowing for more efficient data handling and communication. It eliminates the need for triggers and manual interventions, offering a more automated approach with the ability to submit, send, and retrieve data smoothly.

What Makes Sutoko Different

Getting Started

  1. Download Sutoko:

  2. Setting Up Sutoko with XAMPP:

    • Step 1: Install XAMPP

      • Download and install XAMPP from the official website.
      • After installation, start Apache and MySQL from the XAMPP Control Panel.
    • Step 2: Setting Up the Project

      • Extract the Sutoko files into the htdocs folder of your XAMPP installation.
      • Open a terminal and navigate to the Sutoko directory, for example: cd C:\xampp\htdocs\sutoko.
    • Step 3: Install Dependencies

      • Run composer install to install the necessary dependencies.
    • Step 4: Configure the .env File

      • Copy the .env.example file to .env using the command cp .env.example .env.
      • Open the .env file and update the database credentials to match your XAMPP MySQL setup.
    • Step 5: Generate the Application Key

      • Run the command php artisan key:generate to generate an application key.
    • Step 6: Migrate and Seed the Database

      • Run the following commands to migrate and seed the database:
      php artisan migrate
      php artisan db:seed
  3. Running Sutoko:

    • Open your browser and go to http://localhost/sutoko to access the Sutoko interface.
  4. Additional Configuration:

    • Ensure that the required PHP extensions are enabled in your XAMPP setup, such as openssl, pdo_mysql, mbstring, and tokenizer.
  5. Support:

    • For further assistance, check the documentation (replace this with the actual documentation link) or contact our support team.