4k4xs4pH1r3 / aws-serverless-api-sqs

Example project with AWS API Gateway Lambda talking to SQS and a Lambda reading from SQS.
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AWS Serverless API gateway to SQS example

A Project allowing data posted to an API Gateway to be forwarded to an SQS queue for processing. This is a classic 2 step asynchronous processing pattern.

The Lambda code leverages AWS Lambda Powertools for Python to make applying AWS Serverless Best Practices simple and easy.


This is not production ready code and is provided here as an example use case for AWS Lambda Powertools. It is provided as-is and without any warranty of correctness, please use it as you wish and at your own risk :-)

API Code - api.py

This lambda code uses APIProxyGatewayEvent models to make interacting with the event quick and easy and enables type hinting in the IDE which is really valuable.

SQS Processing Lambda - sqs-processor.py

This lambda leverages the SQS Batch processing utility from Powertools and is an invaluable utility for SQS processing.

Deploying the Project to your AWS Account

Deployment is a straight forward process and assumes you have aws-cli installed, connected to your account and working. If you need any help getting that going I have a blog article on allowing AWS Cli access to your account with MFA enabled, catch it here.

This repo also assumes you have python 3.9, npm and poetry installed and working :-)

To deploy this project you will need to do the following:

pip3 install boto3 && pip3 install aws-lambda-powertools && sudo apt install npm -y
npm install
poetry install
npx sls deploy