4l1fe / 4l1fe.github.io

Personal blog site repo. Wellcome any comments.
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github-page personal-blog utterances

Personal blog builder

Why do i program a custom builder along with a number of mature ones and Jekyll as a default?

Well, I've spent too much time reading documentation and trying to adapt a blog builder to my minimalistic needs. Then i figured out it is much faster and clearer to generate a static blog site step by step on my own just using Github Pages as a free hosting service. Only basic knowledge of followed technologies is necessary to build a ready to deploy folder: html, css, markdown. Armed myself with python i got all the potency and flexibility it provides to generate things how and what i need only.

As a result, things i do are writing articles text, and coding new small features on demand. No more hassle with asking myself what is going on under the hood of Gihub Jekyll-der and testing the site by commit-push-deploy approach, i see all the results locally.

Repo structure

/build - folder with the html templates and py files contain custom logic of building static files based on source markdown files i don't track by GIT.

/docs - folder which Github Pages deploy on my blog Github subdomain automatically on each commit.
