4luckynikita / aa19-python-group-project

BeatRate is a platform that allows music lovers to review their favorite albums and discover new tunes!
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https://beatrate.onrender.com/ # BeatRate is a platform that connects musicians to music connoisseurs. The sole purpose of BeatRate is simple: Musicians post albums, and users review them. The website's structure allows people to check out their favorite artists' profiles, check out other users' profiles to see what they're into, see what's regarded as a musician's best works, and express their own feelings on what hits hardest. BeatRate's simple but robust layout allows for many exciting experiences like hearing about new releases on the home page and learning more about a musician or fellow user via their profile details.

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Erik Hervall | Cece Potakey | Nikita Kastyshyn

This project was built with:

Python FlaskJavaScriptReactReduxCSS3HTML5PostgresRender


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