A Pylint plugin for checking the consistency of string quotes.
Below is an example python file that uses inconsistent string quotes.
"""Example python file."""
def main(output="default"):
'''Entrypoint to the example script which prints out the
value in the 'output' variable.
if __name__ == "__main__":
which would yield
➜ pylint --load-plugins pylint_quotes example.py
No config file found, using default configuration
************* Module example
C: 4, 0: Invalid string quote ", should be ' (invalid-string-quote)
C: 11, 0: Invalid string quote ", should be ' (invalid-string-quote)
C: 5, 0: Invalid docstring quote ''', should be """ (invalid-docstring-quote)
Your code has been rated at 2.50/10
Fixing up the example above based on linting recommendations,
"""Example python file."""
def main(output='default'):
"""Entrypoint to the example script which prints out the
value in the 'output' variable.
if __name__ == '__main__':
which yields
➜ pylint --load-plugins pylint_quotes example.py
No config file found, using default configuration
Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 2.50/10, +7.50)
An example package is found in the example/
➜ pylint --load-plugins pylint_quotes example
************* Module foo.__init__
example/foo/__init__.py:3:0: C4001: Invalid string quote ", should be ' (invalid-string-quote)
************* Module foo
example/foo/__init__.py:1:0: C0102: Black listed name "foo" (blacklisted-name)
************* Module foo.other
example/foo/other.py:1:0: C4003: Invalid docstring quote ''', should be """ (invalid-docstring-quote)
example/foo/other.py:4:0: R0903: Too few public methods (1/2) (too-few-public-methods)
example/foo/other.py:10:0: C4002: Invalid triple quote """, should be ''' (invalid-triple-quote)
************* Module foo.utils
example/foo/utils.py:15:0: C4001: Invalid string quote ", should be ' (invalid-string-quote)
example/foo/utils.py:5:0: C4003: Invalid docstring quote ''', should be """ (invalid-docstring-quote)
example/foo/utils.py:10:0: C4003: Invalid docstring quote ''', should be """ (invalid-docstring-quote)
Your code has been rated at 1.11/10 (previous run: 1.11/10, +0.00)
Installing with pip
pip install pylint-quotes
Installing with pipenev
pipenv install pylint-quotes
To use pylint-quotes, it must loaded in as a plugin when running pylint
pylint --load-plugins pylint_quotes <module-or-package>
pylint-quotes provides a single StringQuoteChecker
that checks for consistency
x = 'example'
y = "example"
triple quote strings
""" single line block comments """
multi-line block comments too
x = '''example'''
y = """
docstrings (module, class, function, async function)
def x():
def y():
Multi-line example.
async def z():
"""Async example.
The string quote type can be configured as either 'single' or 'double' in the configuration file. For example, to check for single quote string literals, double quote triple quoted string, and double quoted docstrings,
the default configuration is
Additionally the string-quote
can be configured to avoid escaping: by default
it enforces one type but if using the other type would avoid some escaping then
it enforces the other one. To use those smart types the config is
'single-avoid-escape', and 'double-avoid-escape'.
If you wish to develop the pylint-quotes project to fix a bug, add a feature, or
extend it for your own uses, the Makefile provides a bunch of helpful
development targets. For a full list of the targets, see the Makefile, or you can
use make help
For convenience, pipenv
is used to manage development dependencies. Before starting
development, you should make init
to install pipenv
if you don't already have it and
create a virtualenv with the project development dependencies. From there, you can use:
make test
to run the unit testsmake coverage
to run unit tests and get a coverage reportmake lint
to perform source code lintingPylint-quotes is licensed under an MIT license -- see LICENSE for more info.