4teamwork / opengever.core

OneGov GEVER core package
11 stars 5 forks source link


.. contents:: Table of Contents


Quick start

To get a basic development installation, clone the repository, symlink the
development buildout config file, create a virtualenv, install and run buildout:

.. code::

    $ git clone git@github.com:4teamwork/opengever.core.git
    $ cd opengever.core
    $ ln -s development.cfg buildout.cfg
    $ virtualenv-2.7 .
    $ bin/pip install zc.buildout==2.13.3
    $ bin/buildout

Run the required services with Docker Compose:

.. code::

    $ docker compose up -d

Now you can run opengever.core in the foreground:

.. code::

    $ bin/instance fg


Python 2.7 and Docker are required for local development.

PostgreSQL ^^^^^^^^^^

Building psycopg2, the PostgreSQL database adapter for Python, requires the PostgreSQL client library and development files.

OpenLDAP 2.x ^^^^^^^^^^^^

The Python ldap <http://www.python-ldap.org/> module requires the OpenLDAP 2.x <http://www.openldap.org/> client libraries and development files.

Pillow ^^^^^^

Building Pillow requires at least libjpeg and zlib libraries and development files.

LDAP credentials

LDAP and AD plugins get configured as usual, using an ``ldap_plugin.xml`` file
in the profile of the respective policy package - with one exception:

Credentials for the LDAP service (bind DN and bind password) **should not** be
checked in in the ``ldap_plugin.xml`` file. Instead they can be stored machine-wide
in a file ``~/.opengever/ldap/{hostname}.json`` where ``{hostname}`` refers to
the hostname of the LDAP server.

When an OpenGever client then is created using ``opengever.setup``, the
credentials are read from that file and configured for the LDAPUserFolder as
well as the active LDAP connection.

E.g. to store the credentials for the 4teamwork LDAP server create the following file:

.. code::


with these contents:

.. code::


``<bind_dn>`` and ``<bind_pw>`` refer to the username and password for the
respective user in our development LDAP tree.

For development a local LDAP server is used by default, that doesn't require a
credentials file. 


Solr is provided as a Docker image and started with other services using docker-compose.

Building a new Solr image

For Solr we need to build multi-platform images, which we do using `buildx`. First time you will need to
create a builder:

.. code::

    docker buildx create --name mybuilder --bootstrap --use

After that you can create a new image using

.. code::

    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -f ./docker/solr/Dockerfile -t 4teamwork/ogsolr:latest --push .

We also want to give that version another tag than latest. For this you can use `regctl` (binary can be downloaded from github, see https://github.com/regclient/regclient/blob/main/docs/regctl.md)

.. code::

    regctl image copy 4teamwork/ogsolr:latest 4teamwork/ogsolr:8.11-2

Activating Solr update chain

The custom Solr update chain allows to propagate document updates to another Solr. This can be enabled for specific portal types. A StatelessScriptUpdateProcessor with the name sync.chain provides a script that is using a JavaScript Script to sync the documents.

To activate the sync.chain, create a configoverlay.json file in the conf directory of the Solr core or if you are using Buildout provide an overlayconfig using the overlayconfig option in the ftw.recipe.solr. See https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.recipe.solr#supported-options for more information.

In order for the StatelessScriptUpdateProcessor to work, add the following overlayconfig under the solr section in the buildout.cfg.

.. code::

configoverlay =
        "initParams": {
            "/update/**,/query,/select,/spell": {
                "defaults": {

When the sync.chain UpdateRequestProcessorChain is activated, the remoteCoreURL and portalTypes option has to be set in the buildout.cfg. The portalTypes options is a comma separated list of portal_types to sync. This is done by using the jvm-opts option:

.. code::

    jvm-opts = -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xss256k -DremoteCoreURL=http://localhost:8984/solr/ris -DportalTypes=opengever.document.document,opengever.dossier.businesscasedossier

Note the other options next to -DremoteCoreURL. These are options from https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.recipe.solr#supported-options. All the defaults from the jvm-opts section have to be set here again to not override the defaults.

Testing ^^^^^^^

Because automated testing is hard, the tests have to be done manually. This section documents the steps required to do the test setup involving two Solr instances. The manual test will determine whether the relevant documents are propagated to a remote Solr.

  1. Install the RIS Solr from https://github.com/4teamwork/ris-solr#lokale-entwicklung
  2. Change the RIS Solr port to 8984 in the buildout.cfg:

.. code::

port = 8984
  1. Configure the GEVER Solr as documented under Activating Solr update chain_
  2. Start GEVER, GEVER Solr and RIS Solr
  3. Go to http://localhost:8984/ and select the ris Solr core
  4. Make a query with q=*:* and no active filters
  5. As a result there should be no search results
  6. Go to http://localhost:8080/fd/ordnungssystem/fuehrung/kommunikation/allgemeines/dossier-1 and change the dossiertitle from Jahresdossier 2015 to Jahresdossier 2017
  7. Go back to the RIS Solr and make a query with q=Title:Jahresdossier 2017 and no active filters
  8. As a result the dossier with the title Jahresdossier 2017 should appear
  9. Go to http://localhost:8080/fd/ordnungssystem/fuehrung/kommunikation/allgemeines/dossier-1/document-1 and change the documenttitle from Jahresdokument to Jahresdokument RIS
  10. Go back to the RIS Solr and make a query with q=Title:Jahresdokument RIS and no active filters
  11. As a result the document with the title Jahresdokument RIS should appear
  12. Go to http://localhost:8080/fd/ordnungssystem/fuehrung/gemeinderecht/dossier-16/task-1 and change the tasktitle from Testaufgabe to Testaufgabe RIS
  13. Go back to the RIS Solr and make a query with q=Title:Testaufgabe RIS and no active filters
  14. As a result there should be no search results
  15. Go to http://localhost:8080/fd/ordnungssystem/fuehrung/kommunikation/allgemeines and create a new dossier with the title Testdossier RIS and select david.erni as responsible
  16. Go back to the RIS Solr and make a query with q=Title:Testdossier RIS and no active filters
  17. As a result the dossier with the title Testdossier RIS should appear

Setting up a multi-admin environment

If you need a multi-admin environment, make sure the basic development dependencies above are satisfied and run the following steps:

Pleace note that the default database-name for multi-admin environment is ``opengever-multi-admin``

.. code::

    $ git clone git@github.com:4teamwork/opengever.core.git
    $ cd opengever.core
    $ ln -s development-multi-admin.cfg buildout.cfg
    $ python bootstrap.py
    $ bin/buildout
    $ bin/start_all

Go to ``http://localhost:8080/manage_main`` and click on ``Install OneGov GEVER``,

For the first admin-unit choose the following settings:

| Property                         | Value                                    |
| Deployment profile               | Choose the **Finanzdirektion (FD) (DEV)**|
| LDAP configuration profile       | OneGovGEVER-Demo LDAP                    |
| Import users from LDAP into OGDS | **True**                                 |
| Development mode                 | False                                    |
| Purge SQL                        | **True**                                 |

For the second admin-unit choose the following settings:

| Property                         | Value                                |
| Deployment profile               | Choose the **Ratskanzlei (RK) (DEV)**|
| LDAP configuration profile       | OneGovGEVER-Demo LDAP                |
| Import users from LDAP into OGDS | **False**                            |
| Development mode                 | False                                |
| Purge SQL                        | **False**                            |

After installing both admin-units, you have to set a shared session-secret to share login-sessions between admin-units. To do this, do the following steps for both admin-units:

- Goto: ``{admin-unit}/acl_users/session/manage_secret``
- Set a ``Shared secret``

Then make sure you can login without cas re-enabling ldap as authentication plugin:

- Go to ``{admin-unit}/acl_users/ldap/manage_activateInterfacesForm``
- Make sure ``Authentication`` is enabled

It is also wise to change the CAS server URL. If you want to be able to use the gever-ui, you should set it to empty string, otherwise the frontend will try to login with CAS:

- Go to ``{admin-unit}/acl_users/cas_auth/manage_config``
- Set ``CAS Server URL`` to empty string

Lastly you have to change the admin-unit urls in the database to localhost.

- Table: ``admin_units``
- Properties: ``site_url`` and ``public_url``


.. code:: postgresql

    UPDATE admin_units SET site_url = replace("site_url", 'https://dev.onegovgever.ch', 'http://localhost:8080'), public_url = replace("public_url", 'https://dev.onegovgever.ch', 'http://localhost:8080');


In preparation for dockerizing ``opengever.core``, parts of the application are
extracted into dockerized services.

Currently the following services are available as Docker images and are used
for local development by default:

- `msgconvert <https://github.com/4teamwork/msgconvert>`_
- `pdflatex <https://github.com/4teamwork/pdflatex>`_
- Sablon_
- `Solr <https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/docker/solr/Dockerfile>`_
- ogds (PostgreSQL server)
- `ogds-sync <https://github.com/4teamwork/ogds-sync>`_
- ldap (OpenLDAP server)

To run these services, Docker is required.
See `Get Docker <https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/>`_ for how to install
Docker on your local machine.

A `Docker Compose <https://docs.docker.com/compose/>`_ file is provided in this
repo to easily run the services.

To customize configuration settings of the Docker services, create a ``.env`` file
and set the environment variables accordingly. A sample is provided in ``.env.sample``.

To start the services simply run:

.. code::

  docker-compose up -d

``opengever.core`` will use the services if the service URL is configured
through environment variables. The ``development.cfg`` buildout configuration
defines these variables by default:

.. code::


To disable the use of a service, simply remove the according environment
variable or set it to an empty value.

Development with local Ianus portal

In addition to the services described above, a local Ianus service is also provided, but not started by default. In order to start it, run the ianus profile from the compose file:

.. code::

docker-compose --profile ianus up

(Make sure you're also signed in to ghcr.io, otherwise docker won't be able to pull the Ianus image)

Next, create an admin user for the Ianus portal:

.. code::

docker-compose exec -ti ianus-backend python manage.py createsuperuser

Your local portal's frontend should now be accessible at http://localhost:3000/portal

In order for GEVER to use the portal with CAS authentication, you also need to install and configure the CAS auth plugin.

Go to http://localhost:8080/fd/portal_setup/manage_main, switch to the Import tab, and import the profile with the title opengever.setup: casauth ianus portal

Then go to http://localhost:8080/fd/acl_users/cas_auth/manage_config to configure the plugin. Make sure that the CAS Server URL points to the local Ianus portal's CAS endpoint. That should be http://localhost:3000/portal/cas if you started the portal using the compose file.

In order for the portal to authenticate users for GEVER via CAS, we also need to register a Service in the portal. For local development, it's easiest to create a simple catch-all service:

Now sign out of both the portal and GEVER.

When you now visit GEVER at http://localhost:8080/fd it should allow you to sign in via CAS using the portal.

Finally, you may want to create an App in Ianus (e.g. for development on the app switcher or InterGEVER):

OGDS synchronization

For quick lookups for user information and metadata (that isn't relevant for security), we keep a mirrored list of users, groups, and group memberships in SQL tables in the OGDS.

Among other things, this list of users is used to determine what users are valid assignees for various objects: If a user was removed from the LDAP, he is still supposed to be a valid assignee for existing objects, but should not be suggested for selection for newly created objects.

Therefore users that are already contained in the SQL tables but have disappeared from LDAP are not removed from SQL, but instead flagged as inactive upon synchroniszation.

There's several different ways to perform the OGDS synchronization:

Since the OGDS is shared between AdminUnits in the same cluster, the synchronization will only have to be performed on one Zope instance per cluster.

Updating translations

Updating translations can be done with the bin/i18n-build script. It will scan the entire opengever.core package for translation files that need updating, rebuild the respective .pot files and sync the .po files.

Usually you work on a specific package and you want to only rebuild this package:

.. code::

bin/i18n-build opengever.dossier

For building all packages, use the --all option:

.. code::

bin/i18n-build --all

Theme Development

You will need the sass command for compiling SCSS to CSS. Start the bin/sass-watcher script and it will pick up changes base on filesystem events and compile the style files automatically for you.

There is a Gemfile to help make SASS versions consistent across development environments. Please refer to http://bundler.io/ for more details.

Updating the history file

The history file is generated automatically from files in the changes directory using towncrier when making a release with zest.releaser. For this you must have installed the zestreleaser.towncrier plugin.

To preview the generated history file you can run:

.. code::

towncrier build --draft --version <version-number>

To add a changelog entry, create a file in the changes directory using the issue/ticket number as filename and add one of .feature, .bugfix, .other as extension to signify the change type (e.g. 6968.feature).

The file should just contain the text describing your change followed by your Github username in brackets. Example:

.. code::

Fix critical bug. [Susanne]

Updating API docs

In order to build the Sphinx API docs locally, use the provided bin/docs-build-public script:

.. code::


This will build the docs (using the html target by default). If you'd like to build a different output format, supply it as the fist argument to the script (e.g. bin/docs-build-public latexpdf).

If you made changes to any schema interfaces that need to make their way into the docs, you need to run the bin/instance dump_schemas script before running the docs-build-public script:

.. code::

bin/instance dump_schemas

This will update the respective schema dumps in docs/schema-dumps/ that are then used by the docs-build-public script to render restructured text schema docs.


Versions are pinned in the file versions.cfg in the opengever.core package.

Versions in development

In order to add a new dependency or to update one or many dependencies,
follow these steps:

1. Append new and changed version pinnings at the end of the ``[versions]``
   section in the ``versions.cfg`` in your local ``opengever.core`` checkout.
2. Run ``bin/cleanup-versions-cfg``, review and confirm the changes.
   This script removes duplicates and sorts the dependencies.
3. Commit the changes to your branch and submit it along with other changes as
   pull request.

Versions in production

For production deployments, the versions.cfg of a tag can be included with a raw github url in buildout like this:

.. code:: ini

extends =


Scripts are located in /scripts.

Repository configuration:

convert_csv_repository_to_xlsx.py <https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/scripts/convert_csv_repository_to_xlsx.py>: Converts repository configuration from old format (repository.csv) to new format (xlsx).

You have to install openpyxl to run this script!

.. code::

bin/zopepy scripts/convert_csv_repository_to_xlsx.py <path to repository csv file> <path for new xlsx file>

Creating policies

A script to semi-automatically create policies is provided as bin/create-policy. The script runs in interactive mode and generates policies based on the questions asked. Policies are stored in the source directory src.

Policy templates are available from the opengever.policytemplates package. At the time of writing there is only one policy template for simple SaaS policies.

Once a new policy has been generated the following things need to be added manually:


Fixture Objects

The fixture objects can be accessed on test-classes subclassing
``IntegrationTestCase`` with attribute access (``self.dossier``).


.. <fixture:users>

- ``self.administrator``: ``nicole.kohler``
- ``self.archivist``: ``archivist``
- ``self.committee_responsible``: ``committee_responsible``
- ``self.dossier_manager``: ``dossier_manager``
- ``self.dossier_responsible``: ``robert.ziegler``
- ``self.foreign_contributor``: ``james.bond``
- ``self.limited_admin``: ``limited_admin``
- ``self.manager``: ``admin``
- ``self.meeting_user``: ``meeting_user``
- ``self.member_admin``: ``member_admin``
- ``self.propertysheets_manager``: ``propertysheets_manager``
- ``self.reader_user``: ``lucklicher.laser``
- ``self.records_manager``: ``records_manager``
- ``self.regular_user``: ``regular_user``
- ``self.secretariat_user``: ``jurgen.konig``
- ``self.service_user``: ``service_user``
- ``self.test_user``: ``test_user_1_``
- ``self.webaction_manager``: ``webaction_manager``
- ``self.workspace_admin``: ``fridolin.hugentobler``
- ``self.workspace_guest``: ``hans.peter``
- ``self.workspace_member``: ``beatrice.schrodinger``
- ``self.workspace_owner``: ``gunther.frohlich``

.. </fixture:users>


.. <fixture:objects>

.. code::

  - self.committee_container
    - self.committee
      - self.cancelled_meeting
      - self.decided_meeting
      - self.decided_proposal
      - self.meeting
      - self.period
      - self.submitted_proposal
    - self.committee_participant_1
    - self.committee_participant_2
    - self.committee_president
    - self.empty_committee
    - self.inactive_committee_participant
  - self.inbox_container
    - self.inbox
      - self.inbox_document
      - self.inbox_forwarding
        - self.inbox_forwarding_document
    - self.inbox_rk
  - self.private_root
    - self.private_folder
      - self.private_dossier
        - self.private_document
        - self.private_mail
  - self.repository_root
    - self.branch_repofolder
      - self.leaf_repofolder
        - self.cancelled_meeting_dossier
        - self.closed_meeting_dossier
        - self.decided_meeting_dossier
        - self.disposition
        - self.disposition_with_sip
        - self.dossier
          - self.document
          - self.draft_proposal
          - self.inbox_task
          - self.info_task
          - self.mail_eml
          - self.mail_msg
          - self.private_task
          - self.proposal
            - self.proposaldocument
          - self.removed_document
          - self.ris_proposal
          - self.sequential_task
            - self.seq_subtask_1
            - self.seq_subtask_2
            - self.seq_subtask_3
          - self.shadow_document
          - self.subdossier
            - self.empty_document
            - self.subdocument
            - self.subsubdossier
              - self.subsubdocument
          - self.subdossier2
          - self.task
            - self.subtask
            - self.taskdocument
        - self.empty_dossier
        - self.expired_dossier
          - self.expired_document
          - self.expired_task
        - self.inactive_dossier
          - self.inactive_document
          - self.inactive_task
        - self.meeting_dossier
          - self.meeting_document
          - self.meeting_task
            - self.meeting_subtask
        - self.offered_dossier_for_sip
        - self.offered_dossier_to_archive
          - self.offered_document_1
          - self.offered_document_2
        - self.offered_dossier_to_destroy
        - self.protected_dossier
          - self.protected_document
        - self.protected_dossier_with_task
          - self.protected_document_with_task
          - self.task_in_protected_dossier
        - self.resolvable_dossier
          - self.resolvable_subdossier
            - self.resolvable_document
    - self.empty_repofolder
    - self.inactive_repofolder
  - self.templates
    - self.ad_hoc_agenda_item_template
    - self.asset_template
    - self.docprops_template
    - self.dossiertemplate
      - self.dossiertemplatedocument
      - self.subdossiertemplate
        - self.subdossiertemplatedocument
    - self.empty_template
    - self.meeting_template
      - self.paragraph_template
    - self.normal_template
    - self.proposal_template
    - self.recurring_agenda_item_template
    - self.sablon_template
    - self.subtemplates
      - self.subtemplate
    - self.tasktemplatefolder
      - self.tasktemplate
  - self.workspace_root
    - self.workspace
      - self.todo
      - self.todolist_general
      - self.todolist_introduction
        - self.assigned_todo
        - self.completed_todo
      - self.workspace_document
      - self.workspace_folder
        - self.workspace_folder_document
      - self.workspace_mail
      - self.workspace_meeting
        - self.workspace_meeting_agenda_item

.. </fixture:objects>

Other values

.. <fixture:raw>

- ``self.committee_id``: ``1``
- ``self.empty_committee_id``: ``2``

.. </fixture:raw>


Use bin/mtest for running all test in multiple processes. Alternatively bin/test runs the tests in sequence. The multi process script distributes the packages (e.g. opengever.task, opengever.base, etc) into multiple processes, trying to balance the amount of test suites, so that it speeds up the test run.

The bin/mtest script can be configured with environment variables:

Functional or integration testing?

We are shifting the tests from the older functional testing layer to the newer
integration testing layer.

**Integration testing:**

- Should be used for new tests!
- Comes with a preinstalled `testing fixtures`_.
- Transactions are disabled for isolation purposes: `transaction.commit` is not allowed in tests.
- Uses ``ftw.testbrowser``'s ``TraversalDriver``.

**Functional testing:**

- Should *not be used* for new tests, when possible.
- Is factory-based, using ``ftw.builder``.
- Uses transactions.
- Limited / slow database isolation: a fresh setup is necessary for each test.

Example integration test with browser:

.. code:: python

from ftw.testbrowser import browsing from ftw.testbrowser.pages import statusmessages from opengever.testing import IntegrationTestCase

class TestExampleView(IntegrationTestCase):

   def test_example_view(self, browser):
       self.login(self.dossier_responsible, browser)
       browser.open(self.dossier, view='example_view')

Best practices

These best practices apply to the new **integration testing** layer.

Do not commit the transaction

Committing the transaction will break isolation.
The testing layer will prevent you from interacting with the transaction.

Use the fixture objects

The `testing fixtures`_ create content objects, users, groups and client
configurations (admin units, org units) which are available for all tests.
They can and should be modified to the needs of the test.

Avoid creating objects (with ``ftw.builder``)

Creating objects with ``ftw.builder`` or with ``ftw.testbrowser`` is expensive
because it takes a moment to index the object.
Therefore we want to avoid creating unnecessary objects within the tests
so that the tests are faster overall.

Tests which have the job to test object creation (e.g. through the browser)
obviously need to actually create an object, all other tests should try to
reuse objects from the fixture and modify them as needed.

Use users from fixture

The fixture provides a set of standard users which should be used in tests.
Do not use ``plone.app.testing``'s test user with global roles as it does
not reflect properly how the security model of GEVER works.
In order to test features which can only be executed by the system or by a
``Manager``-user, the ``plone.app.testing``'s site owner may be used.


Integration tests start with *no user logged in*.
The first thing each test should do, is to log in the user with the fewest
privileges required for doing the task under test.

The login command should *not* be moved to the ``setUp`` method; it should be
clearly visible at the beginning of each test, so that a reader has the necessary
context without scrolling to the top of the file.

When authenticated preparations are required in the ``setUp`` method, use
``self.login`` as a context manager in order to cleanup the authentication
on exit, so that the tests still start anonymously.

.. code:: python

   from opengever.testing import IntegrationTestCase
   from ftw.testbrowser import browsing

   class TestExampleView(IntegrationTestCase):

       def setUp(self):
           super(TestExampleView, self).setUp()
           with self.login(self.administrator):

       def test_server_side(self):

       def test_client_side_with_browser(self, browser):
           self.login(self.regular_user, browser)
           browser.click_on('Do important things')

Do not assert ``browser.contents``

The statement `self.assertIn('The label', browser.contents)` will print the
complete HTML document as failure message.
This is distracting and not useful at all.

Instead you should select specific nodes and do assertions on those nodes, e.g.

.. code:: python

   from opengever.testing import IntegrationTestCase
   from ftw.testbrowser import browsing

   class TestExampleView(IntegrationTestCase):

       def test_label(self, browser):
           self.assertEquals('The label',

This allows the browser to help when print a nice error message when the node
was not found:
``NoElementFound: Empty result set: browser.css("label.foo") did not match any nodes.``

When the view does not return a complete HTML document but, for example, a status
only (``OK``), or it is some kind of API endpoint, ``browser.contents`` may be

Use ``tearDown`` carefully

Do not tear down changes which are taken care of by some kind of isolation:

- Do *not* tear down ZODB changes: the ZODB is isolated by ``plone.app.testing``.
- Do *not* tear down SQL changes: we take care of that in the SQL testing layer
  with savepoints / rollbacks.
- Do *not* tear down component registry changes (e.g. new adapters, utilities,
  event handlers) as this is taken care of by the
- *Do* tear down modifications in environment variables (``os.environ``).
- *Do* tear down modifications stored in module globals (e.g.
  transmogrifier sections).

Use guard assertions

When your test expects a specific state in order to work properly, this state
should be ensured by using guard assertions.

.. code:: python

    def test_closing_dossier(self):
                        'Precondition: assumed dossier to be open')

If the ``self.dossier`` is changed to be not open by default anymore, the failure
should tell us that a precondition was no longer met rather than implying that
the ``close()`` method is broken.
The statement also acts as "given"-statement and a reader can easily figure out
what the precondition is, because it is visually separated.

Alternatively a precondition can be ensured by setting the state of the object:

.. code:: python

    def test_title_is_journalized_on_action(self):
        self.dossier.title = u'The dossier'
        self.assertEquals(u'The dossier',

Activating feature flags

Feature flags can by activated test-case-wide by setting a tuple of all
required flags:

.. code:: python

    class TestDossierTemplate(IntegrationTestCase):
        features = ('dossiertemplate',)

When a feature should not be activated test-case-wide it can be activated
within a single test:

.. code:: python

    class TestTemplates(IntegrationTestCase):

        def test_adding_dossier_template(self):

See the `list of feature flags <https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/opengever/testing/integration_test_case.py>`_.

Cache integration testing setup

When developing opengever.core, a developer often runs a single test module, with bin/test -m opengever.dossier.tests.test_activate for instance. This will set up a complete fixture each time. In order to speed up the feedback loop when developing, we try to cache the database after setting up the fixture. This will speed up the test runs, but it also makes the result inaccurate: if the cachekeys do not detect a relevant change, we may not realize that something breaks.

Because the results are not accurate and this is an experiment, the feature is considered experimental and therefore disabled by default.

You can enable the feature by setting an environment variable:

.. code:: sh

GEVER_CACHE_TEST_DB=true bin/test -m opengever.dossier.tests.test_activate

There is also a binary which does that for you for just one run for convenience:

.. code:: sh

bin/test-cached -m opengever.dossier.tests.test_activate

You can manually remove / rebuild the caches:

.. code:: sh


This feature is disabled on the CI server.

When the environment variable GEVER_CACHE_VERBOSE is set to true, a list of modified files will be printed whenever a cachekey is invalidated. This can be useful to debug problems with the fixture cache:

.. code:: sh

GEVER_CACHE_VERBOSE=true bin/test-cached -m opengever.dossier.tests.test_activate

Builder API

This project uses the `ftw.builder <http://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.builder>`_ package based on the `Builder pattern <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder_pattern>`_ to create test data.
The opengever specific builders are located in `opengever.testing <https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/opengever/testing/builders.py>`_

To use the `Builder API` you need to import the ``Builder`` function:

.. code:: python

     from ftw.builder import Builder
     from ftw.builder import create

Then you can use the ``Builder`` function in your test cases:

.. code:: python

     dossier = create(Builder("dossier"))
     task = create(Builder("task").within(dossier))
     document = create(Builder("document")

Note that when using the ``OPENGEVER_FUNCTIONAL_TESTING`` Layer the ``Builder`` will automatically do a ``transaction.commit()`` when ``create()`` is called.

Unit testing and mock tests

opengever.core has some unit tests (without a testing layer) and some mock test cases (usually with the COMPONENT_UNIT_TESTING testing layer).

When writing unit tests (with no layer), the developer must take into account that there is no isolation at all. The developer must make sure that neither the test nor any component used in the test leaks, or isolation must be ensured manually. The developer should also take into account that components under tests (or their dependencies) may be changed in the future.

By leaking we mean any kind of thing changed outside of the test scope. This includes registering components (adapters, utilites), changing globals (setSite, registering transmogrifier blueprints, environment variables) or any other action that can influence other components later.

If a developer cannot guarantee that the test is not leaking he/she shall not write a unit test, but use at least the COMPONENT_UNIT_TESTING layer or write an integration test.

The COMPONENT_UNIT_TESTING provides a minimal isolation of z3 componentes (adapters, utilites) and registers basic adapters such as annotations.

When using mock tests cases, which discourage from in general, always import the MockTestCase from ftw.testing in order to be compatible with COMPONENT_UNIT_TESTING.


GEVER provides a testserver which sets up a GEVER in testing mode with a real HTTP server so that other applications and components can be tested. The testserver installs the standard GEVER testing fixture. By telling the server when to setup and teardown for each test it makes sure that the database is isolated and rolled back properly for each test.


In order to run the testserver, a local `Development`_ installation needs to be installed.
Once installed properly, the server can be started with ``bin/testserver``:

.. code::

   ./bin/testserver -v
   Plone:  http://localhost:55001/plone
   XMLRPC: http://localhost:55002
   18:13:39 [ ready ] Started Zope 2 server

Use the `-v` flag in order to make errors and exceptions appear on `stderr`.

Next you need to tell the testserver that you will now run a test:

.. code::

   ./bin/testserverctl zodb_setup

Then you can make requests to ``http://localhost:55001/plone`` and use all the content and users generated by the fixture.
It will be the exact same each run. The administrator login is ``admin`` and ``secret``.

Once your test is finished you should tear down and re-setup for the next test in order to isolate the database properly:

.. code::

   ./bin/testserverctl zodb_teardown
   ./bin/testserverctl zodb_setup

Making REST-API requests

The testserver sets up a service.user which has a REST-API service key and is allowed to impersonate other users. This is important for testing applications which use the REST-API. The service key can be downloaded here <https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/opengever/testing/assets/service_user_generic.private.json>.

Changing ports

The ports used by the testserver can easily be changed through environment variables:

- ``ZSERVER_PORT`` - the port of the GEVER http server (default: ``55001``)
- ``TESTSERVER_CTL_PORT`` - the port of the XMLRPC control server (default: ``55002``).
- ``SOLR_PORT`` - the port of the Solr server which is controlled by the testserver (default: ``55003``).
- ``TESTSERVER_REUSE_RUNNING_SOLR`` -  reuse the solr on the given port (default: ``None``).

Custom fixtures

A custom fixture can be loaded in the testserver. This is helpful when other projects are testing GEVER integration and need specific content. The custom fixture can be defined with an environment variable:

.. code::

FIXTURE=~/projects/myproject/gever/fixture.py ./bin/testserver

The fixture will be loaded into the testserver process with the dottedname customfixture.fixture; the package name is always customfixture. It is possible to import local files of this folder with import .otherfile.

Example fixture:

.. code::

from opengever.testing.fixtures import OpengeverContentFixture

class Fixture(OpengeverContentFixture):

   def __init__(self):
       super(Fixture, self).__init__()
       with self.freeze_at_hour(20):

The fixture class name defaults to Fixture and can be changed with the environment variable FIXTURE_CLASS.

Testing on the CI

When developing third party applications, it is best practice to use a tape recording system.
In local development, a real testserver should be started and tapes of its responses should be recorded.
Those tapes should be committed to GIT so that no GEVER needs to be installed when running the tests on the CI - it will
simply pull the tapes.

Whenever the application needs to support a new version of GEVER, a developer records all tapes when running a new version
of the testserver, so that compatibility with the new version can be proven.


The connection from the testserverctl to the XMLRPC-Server can be tested with bin/testserverctl connectiontest. This will result in a "Connection refused" error as long as the testserver is starting and will do nothing when the server is ready for the first isolate or zodb_setup. This can be used as docker healthcheck.

Testserver in docker

You can run testserver with docker-compose: ``docker-compose up testserver``.
See the `testerver docker readme <docker/testserver/README.md>`_.

If you are using the testserver in another project and want to have a docker-compose file there,
see the ``docker-compose.testserver.yml`` file for a minimal working example.
It contains commented example on how insert your custom fixture as volume.

Testing Inbound Mail

For easy testing of inbound mail (without actually going through an MTA) there's
a script ``bin/test-inbound-mail`` that can be used to test creation of inbound

``cat testmail.eml | bin/test-inbound-mail``

The script assumes you got an instance running on port ``${instance:http-address}``, a GEVER client called ``fd`` and an omelette with ``ftw.mail`` in it installed. It will then feed the mail from stdin to
the ``ftw.mail`` inbound view, like Postfix would.


The following section describes some aspects of deploying OneGov GEVER. If you need an example of a simple deployment profile have a look at the examplecontent profiles, see: https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/tree/master/opengever/examplecontent.

Setup Wizard

The manage_main view of the Zope app contains an additional button "Install OneGov GEVER" to add a new deployment. It leads to the setup wizard where a deployment profile and an LDAP configuration profile can be selected.

The setup wizard can be configured with the following environment variable:

Deployment Profiles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Deployment profiles can be selected in the setup wizard. They are used to link a Plone site with its corresponding AdminUnit and they usually include a policy profile, additional init profiles and further Plone-Site configuration options. Deployment profiles are configured in ZCML:

.. code:: xml


        title="Development with examplecontent"


See https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/opengever/setup/meta.py for a list of all possible options.

LDAP Profiles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

LDAP profiles can be selected in the setup wizard. They are used to install an LDAP configuration profile. LDAP profiles are configured in ZCML:

.. code:: xml


        title="4teamwork LDAP"


See https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/opengever/setup/meta.py for a list of all possible options.

Policyless Deployments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

For policyless deployments, the Plone site can be created with a stock profile, and most settings and content will be set up in a second step, via the import of a Bundle with a configuration.json.

Select "Policyless Deployment" and "Policyless LDAP" on the setup screen to create a minimal policyless Plone site. OGDS sync will not be performed yet during Plone site creation, since LDAP settings will be imported later.

Then, using the @@import-bundle view, import a Bundle containing the appropriate content as well as a configuration.json.

Example for a configuration.json:

.. code:: json

  "units": {
    "admin_units": [
        "unit_id": "musterstadt",
        "title": "Musterstadt",
        "ip_address": "",
        "site_url": "http://localhost:8080/ogsite",
        "public_url": "http://localhost:8080/ogsite",
        "abbreviation": "MS"
    "org_units": [
        "unit_id": "musterstadt",
        "title": "Musterstadt",
        "admin_unit_id": "musterstadt",
        "users_group_name": "users_group",
        "inbox_group_name": "inbox_group"
  "registry": {
    "opengever.workspace.interfaces.IWorkspaceSettings.is_feature_enabled": true

Because in policyless deployments no LDAP Plugin will be installed, the ogds-sync service is required to get a functioning OGDS. For local development, the ogds-sync service can be installed as follows:

.. code:: bash

cd ~/src
git clone git@github.com:4teamwork/ogds-sync.git
cd ogds-sync
cp .env.sample .env
vim .env

You can use the following as a base for an .env file for local development (substituting the LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD from your local ~/.opengever/ldap/ldap.4teamwork.ch.json):

.. code:: bash



After a policyless GEVER Plone site has been set up, and the SQL tables created, you can perform the initial sync:

.. code:: bash

docker compose run --rm ogds-sync ogds-sync

And then start the ogds-sync service:

.. code:: bash

docker compose up

In order for authentication to work on a local policyless deployment, you need to configure a CAS portal. You can run one locally, or just configure the DEV one:

OGDS PAS Plugin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This plugin serves as a replacement for the LDAP/AD PAS plugins to enumerate users and groups from OGDS instead of LDAP. Because it's still experimental, it's not installed by default, expect for policyless deployments. In order to install it, and have it function as intended, the following needs to be done:

The plugin does not perform authentication itself. It therefore requires another IAuthenticationPlugin to be present, activated and capable to authenticate users for the given deployment.

For programmatic installation during setup, the install_ogds_auth_plugin helper function in opengever.ogds.auth.plugin may be used to perform the steps listed above.

Content creation

Opengever defines four additional generic setup setuphandlers to create initial `AdminUnit` and `OrgUnit` OGDS entries, create initial  documents/document templates, configure local roles and create an initial repository. Of course ``ftw.inflator`` content creation is available as well, for details see https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.inflator.

Creating initial AdminUnit/OrgUnit

Add a ``unit_creation`` folder to your generic setup profile. To that folder add the files ``admin_units.json`` and/or ``org_units.json``. The content is created when the generic setup profile is applied. Note also that this content is created before ``ftw.inflator`` content and before all the other custom gever content creation handlers.

AdminUnit example:

.. code:: json

        "unit_id": "admin1",
        "title": "Admin Unit 1",
        "ip_address": "",
        "site_url": "http://localhost:8080/admin1",
        "public_url": "http://localhost:8080/admin1",
        "abbreviation": "A1"

OrgUnit example:

.. code:: json

      "unit_id": "org1",
      "title": "Org Unit 1",
      "admin_unit_id": "admin1",
      "users_group_id": "og_demo-ftw_users",
      "inbox_group_id": "og_demo-ftw_users"

Creating initial repositories

Gever repositories are initialized from an excel file. To add initial repository setup add a folder ``opengever_repositories`` to your generic setup profile. Each ``*.xlsx`` file in that folder will then be processed, the filename will serve as the ID for the repository root. See `ordnungssystem.xlsx <https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/opengever/examplecontent/profiles/repository_minimal/opengever_repositories/ordnungssystem.xlsx>`_ for an example. Note that this setuphandler is called after `ftw.inflator` but before custom GEVER content.

Creating GEVER specific content

Documents and Document templates are created with a customized ``ftw.inflator`` pipeline since they need special handling to have correct initial file versions. Thus documents should never be created with ``ftw.inflator`` but always with our customized pipeline. Since the custom pipeline is based on ``ftw.inflator`` we suggest to create all gever-content with this new pipeline.

To create content add an ``opengever_content`` folder to your generic setup profile. All JSON files in this folder are then processed similar to ``ftw.inflator``. Note that this setuphandler is called after `ftw.inflator`.

Configuring local roles

To decouple local role assignment from content creation opengever introduces a separate setuphandler to configure local roles. To configure local roles add a ``local_role_configuration`` folder to your generic setup profile. All JSON files in that folder are then processed. Note that this setuphandler is called after `ftw.inflator`.

Example configuration:

.. code:: json

          "_path": "ordnungssystem",
          "_ac_local_roles": {
              "og_demo-ftw_users": [

.. _testing fixtures: https://github.com/4teamwork/opengever.core/blob/master/opengever/testing/fixtures.py
.. _COMPONENT_REGISTRY_ISOLATION: https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.testing#component-registry-isolation-layer
.. _Sablon: https://github.com/4teamwork/sablon

Nightly Jobs

Gever offers a whole infrastructure to execute certain jobs overnight, to avoid excessive load of the instances during working hours. Nightly jobs are executed via a cronjob calling the ``NightlyJobRunner``, which will try to execute all jobs provided by the registered nightly job providers (named multiadapters of INightlyJobProvider). The ``nightly-jobs-stats`` view provides information about the status of the nightly job queue.

Reindexing operations as nightly maintenance jobs

We offer a high level API to create nightly maintenance jobs for reindexing operations, which can be used in upgrade steps:

.. code:: python

query = {'object_provides': IDexterityContent.__identifier__}
with NightlyIndexer(idxs=["sortable_reference"],
                    index_in_solr_only=True) as indexer:
    for obj in self.objects(query, 'Index sortable_reference in Solr'):

This will register the corresponding jobs to the NightlyMaintenanceJobsProvider.

API Error handling

Errors, especially client errors, are a normal part of the API. ZPublisher's HTTPResponse will set the proper error codes while Plone.rest will serialize these errors back to the client. This allows to simply raise errors such as BadRequest in the API Services, and the rest will happen automatically. This does not prevent the error from being raised and therefore be handled by ftw.raven and logged to sentry. Specific exceptions that we know will happen in normal Gever operations should not be reported to sentry, which can be easily achieved by raising an exception inheriting from NotReportedException.