5-stones / react-native-readium

📚 📖 React Native ebook reader for iOS, Android, & Web via Readium
MIT License
83 stars 25 forks source link
ebook ebook-reader ebooks epub epub-reader epub3 react-native readium readium-2


NPM version Commitizen friendly PRs welcome! This project is released under the MIT license

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Issue Hunt


A react-native wrapper for https://readium.org/. At a high level this package allows you to do things like:

Table of Contents

Dark Mode Light Mode
Dark Mode Light Mode



  1. iOS: Requires an iOS target >= 13.0 (see the iOS section for more details).
  2. Android: Requires compileSdkVersion >= 31 (see the Android section for more details).

Install Module


npm install react-native-readium


yarn add react-native-readium


Due to the current state of the Readium swift libraries you need to manually update your Podfile (see more on that here).

# ./ios/Podfile
platform :ios, '13.0'


target 'ExampleApp' do
  config = use_native_modules!
  pod 'GCDWebServer', podspec: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/readium/GCDWebServer/3.7.5/GCDWebServer.podspec', modular_headers: true
  pod 'R2Navigator', podspec: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/readium/swift-toolkit/2.6.0/Support/CocoaPods/ReadiumNavigator.podspec'
  pod 'R2Shared', podspec: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/readium/swift-toolkit/2.6.0/Support/CocoaPods/ReadiumShared.podspec'
  pod 'R2Streamer', podspec: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/readium/swift-toolkit/2.6.0/Support/CocoaPods/ReadiumStreamer.podspec'
  pod 'ReadiumInternal', podspec: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/readium/swift-toolkit/2.6.0/Support/CocoaPods/ReadiumInternal.podspec'
  pod 'Minizip', modular_headers: true

Finally, install the pods:

pod install


If you're not using compileSdkVersion >= 31 you'll need to update that:

// android/build.gradle
buildscript {
    ext {
        compileSdkVersion = 31


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { ReadiumView } from 'react-native-readium';
import type { File } from 'react-native-readium';

const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
  const [file] = useState<File>({

  return (

Take a look at the Example App for a more complex usage example.

Supported Formats & DRM

Format Support

Format Support Notes
Epub 2 :white_check_mark:
Epub 3 :white_check_mark:
PDF :x: On the roadmap, feel free to submit a PR or ask for direction.
CBZ :x: On the roadmap, feel free to submit a PR or ask for direction.

Missing a format you need? Reach out and see if it can be added to the roadmap.

DRM Support

DRM is not supported at this time. However, there is a clear path to support it via LCP and the intention is to eventually implement it.


View Props

Name Type Optional Description
file File :x: A file object containing the path to the eBook file on disk.
location Locator | Link :white_check_mark: A locator prop that allows you to externally control the location of the reader (e.g. Chapters or Bookmarks).

:warning: If you want to set the location of an ebook on initial load, you should use the File.initialLocation property (look at the file prop). See more here
settings Partial<Settings> :white_check_mark: An object that allows you to control various aspects of the reader's UI (epub only)
style ViewStyle :white_check_mark: A traditional style object.
onLocationChange (locator: Locator) => void :white_check_mark: A callback that fires whenever the location is changed (e.g. the user transitions to a new page)
onTableOfContents (toc: Link[] \| null) => void :white_check_mark: A callback that fires once the file is parsed and emits the table of contents embedded in the file. Returns null or an empty [] if no TOC exists. See the Link interface for more info.

:warning: Web vs Native File URLs

Please note that on web the File.url should be a web accessible URL path to the manifest.json of the unpacked epub. In native contexts it needs to be a local filepath to the epub file itself on disk. If you're not sure how to serve epub books take a look at this example which is based on the dita-streamer-js project (which is built on all the readium r2-*-js libraries)


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.


The standard release command for this project is:

yarn version

This command will:

  1. Generate/update the Changelog
  2. Bump the package version
  3. Tag & pushing the commit


yarn version --new-version 1.2.17
yarn version --patch // 1.2.17 -> 1.2.18
