52North / helgoland

Visual Exploration and Analysis of Sensor Web Data
Apache License 2.0
57 stars 45 forks source link



Web-Based Visualization of Observation Data

Enabling exploration, analysis and visualization of sensor web data

This lightweight web application enables the exploration, visualization and analysis of sensor web data in various fields of use, e.g. hydrology, meteorology, environmental monitoring, traffic management. You can:

The application can connect to different Sensor Web endpoints (via the 52°North Helgoland API). These endpoints provide a thin access layer to sensor data (e.g. offered by SOS servers'databases) via RESTful Web binding with different output formats. In addition to the Sensor Web endpoints, the Viewer can also connect to different OGC SensorThings APIs.

This software component is based on the Helgoland Toolbox. It integrates the different toolbox modules into a viewing applications that can be easily customized to the requirements of specific users.


Key Technologies:


Quick Start (Configuration)

Download the latest version of Helgoland.

Configure your client in the settings.json in the root folder. Check this(link) site for the different configuration parameter in the settings.json. The main parameters are:


The software is in operational use by the following organizations or within the following projects.

Funding organizations/projects

The development of this client implementations was supported by several organizations and projects. Among other we would like to thank the following organisations and projects:

Project/Logo Description
BMBFTaMIS - Das Talsperren-Mess-Informations-System The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research research project TaMIS (co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, programme Geotechnologien, under grant agreement no. 03G0854[A-D])
JERICO-S3 - Science - Services- Sustainability The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research project JERICO-S3 (co-funded by the European Commission under the grant agreement n°871153)
NeXOS - Next generation, Cost-effective, Compact, Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the European FP7 research project NeXOS (co-funded by the European Commission under the grant agreement n°614102)
BMBFCOLABIS - Collaborative Early Warning Information Systems for Urban Infrastructures The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research research project COLABIS (co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, programme Geotechnologien, under grant agreement no. 03G0852A)
BMVImFundWaCoDis - Water management Copernicus services for the determination of substance inputs into waters and dams within the framework of environmental monitoring The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the German Federal Ministry of of Transport and Digital Infrastructure research project WaCoDis (co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, programme mFund)
BMBFFONAMultidisciplinary data acquisition as the key for a globally applicable water resource management (MuDak-WRM) The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research research project MuDak-WRM (co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, programme FONA)
SeaDataCloud The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the Horizon 2020 research project SeaDataCloud (co-funded by the European Commission under the grant agreement n°730960)
ODIP II - Ocean Data Interoperability Platform The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the Horizon 2020 research project ODIP II (co-funded by the European Commission under the grant agreement n°654310)
Wupperverband The Wupperverband for water, humans and the environment (Germany)
Belgian Interregional Environment Agency (IRCEL - CELINE) The Belgian Interregional Environment Agency (IRCEL - CELINE) is active in the domain of air quality (modelling, forecasts, informing the public on the state of their air quality, e-reporting to the EU under the air quality directives, participating in scientific research on air quality, etc.). IRCEL — CELINE is a permanent cooperation between three regional environment agencies: Agence wallonne de l'Air et du Climat (AWAC), Bruxelles Environnement - Leefmilieu Brussel and Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM).
GEOWOW - GEOSS interoperability for Weather, Ocean and Water The development of this version of the 52°North SOS was supported by the European FP7 research project GEOWOW (co-funded by the European Commission under the grant agreement n°282915)


Webpack and Angular 2


Helgoland is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

How to contribute

This is a frontend component of the repository sensorweb-client-core.

It comprises:

Requirements to develop or build the client

Get ready to start

Clone and install

Start the client in the development mode

Build the client