52North / sensorweb-server-sta

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Table of Contents

About The Project

This is an implementation of the OGC SensorThings API Part I: Sensing.

Primary features:

Further documentation:


All development is tracked via GitHub Projects here.

Next Key Milestones:



The latest Docker Images are available on DockerHub A complete demo setup is provided via a docker-compose file

JAR/WAR Packaging

The latest jar/war packages are available via the GitHub Releases

Conformance Status:

Conformance Class Reference Implemented Test Status
Sensing Core A.1 Yes 5 / 6
Filtering Extension A.2 Yes 0 / 8
Create-Update-Delete A.3 Yes 8 / 8
Batch Requests A.4 No 0 / ?
MultiDatastream Extension A.5 No 0 / ?
DataArray Extension A.6 No 0 / ?
Observation Creation via MQTT A.7 Yes 1 / 1
Receiving Updates via MQTT A.8 Yes 5 / 5


You can get support via the community mailing list:


or Contact us directly


Are you are interested in contributing to the 52°North STA and you want to pull your changes to the 52N repository to make it available to all?

In that case we need your official permission. For this purpose we have a so-called contributors license agreement (CLA) in place. With this agreement you grant us the rights to use and publish your code under an open source license.

A link to the contributors license agreement and further explanations are available here:



See LICENSE and NOTICE for more information.



The development the 52°North SensorThings API implementations was supported by several organizations and projects. Among other we would like to thank the following organisations and project

Project/Logo Description
Cos4Cloud - Co-designed citizen observatories for the EOS-Cloud The development of this version of the 52°North SensorThings API was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research project Cos4Cloud (co-funded by the European Commission under the grant agreement n°863463)
BMVImFundWaCoDis - Water management Copernicus services for the determination of substance inputs into waters and dams within the framework of environmental monitoring The development of this version of the 52°North SensorThings API was supported by the German Federal Ministry of of Transport and Digital Infrastructure research project WaCoDis (co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, programme mFund)
BMBFFONAMultidisciplinary data acquisition as the key for a globally applicable water resource management (MuDak-WRM) The development of this version of the 52°North SensorThings API was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research research project MuDak-WRM (co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, programme FONA)
Wupperverband The Wupperverband for water, humans and the environment (Germany)