5G-Framework / volttron-tcc-docker-ecolong

Modified TCC docker for EcoLong
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Recommendations on running this Docker image on a Virtual Machine

Git Submodules



  1. Initialize the submodules; for details see .gitmodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Build image without using cache and start container
docker-compose build --no-cache  --force-rm
docker-compose up
  1. To view the logs of a service, enter inside the container and tail the logs. The command to tail the logs works for all containers. Follow the example below:
# Get inside building1 container
myuser@1234:~$ docker exec -itu volttron building1 bash
# tail the logs; commands works on all containers
volttron@building1:~$ tail -f $VOLTTRON_USER_HOME/logs/$(hostname).volttron.log

NOTE: Aliases have been added to the containers for convenience. See 'Aliases in the container' section for more details.

Container info

All containers are explicitly named in docker-compose.yml; each service defined in docker-compose.yml has a 'container_name' section. Thus, you can easily enter into a container via a human-readable container name. For example, to enter into the Volttron central instance, use docker-compose exec -itu volttron central bash.

In addition, the hostnames for the containers have also been explicitly defined in docker-compose.yml; each service has a hostname section. With this configuration, you know exactly which container you are in; this is helpful when opening several shells to monitor several buildings. For example, note the shell prompt after running docker-composes exec commands below:

# shell1
$ docker-compose exec -itu volttron central bash

# shell2
$ docker-compose exec -itu volttron building1 bash

Aliases in the container

Aliases have been added to each container to aid in debugging and viewing logs. These aliases are defined in "$VOLTTRON_USER_HOME/.bash_aliases".

All containers have the following aliases:

# show status of all agents, i.e. 'vctl status'

# tail the volttron logs

# tail the volttron logs and grep for 'ERROR'; this is helpful for debugging

# Search for ERROR in the logs

# restart all agents except EnergyPlus

Also, all containers have an environment variable, $VLOG, which is the path to each container's volttron logs. You can use $VLOG to search for certain strings in volttron.log. For example, if we want to search for "ERROR" in the 'brsw' container's volttron.log, we run the following:

cat $VLOG | grep ERROR -a

will search for the string "ERROR", case sensitive, in home/volttron/volttron.log

The following containers have their own specific aliases


# grep for building topics sent from various buildings (e.g. building1, brsw, smalloffice, largeoffice)


# grep for campus topic sent from central forwarder


# grep for campus topic sent from central forwarder


# grep for campus topic sent from central forwarder


# grep for campus topic sent from central forwarder

Database persistence

All containers except 'central' have an sqlite database, which is used by the SQLHistorian agent.



My VC Platform agent can't connect to the Volttron Central address. I see volttron.platform.vip.agent.subsystems.auth ERROR: Couldn't connect to https://localhost:8443 or incorrect response returned response was None in the logs

This most likely occurs if you are deploying this container behind a proxy. Ensure that your ~/.docker/config.json has no "proxies" configuration.

My Forwarder shows a BAD status when I run vctl status

Ensure that the configuration for your forwarder is using the same volttron-central-address property in volttron config, which is set in your platform_config.yml file.