5HT / eslang

Erlang S-Lang Binding
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Erlang S-Lang Bindings

This is slang, an erlang interface to the amazing highly portable tty interface that gave us such nice tty applications as mutt and slrn

It's distributed as an erlang application (without a start mod) which makes it possible to integrate into a larger build environment. We use this at bluetail to have a terminal application onto our actual target machine. It can be used to to anything that's possible to do with the slang lib itself.

It's know to compile and run with slang version 2.2.4. The API is one-to-one withe the normal C-api to slanglib.

Ubuntu Install

$ sudo apt-get install libslang2-pic
$ rebar compile


$ curl ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/unix/misc/slang/v2.2/slang-2.2.4.tar.gz | tar xzf -
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr
$ make static
$ sudo make install-static
$ rebar compile
