5ally / my-term-selector

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block-editor gutenberg javascript wordpress

Table of Contents


MyTermSelector is a customized version of the HierarchicalTermSelector used by the PostTaxonomies component for the Gutenberg editor in WordPress. Unlike HierarchicalTermSelector, MyTermSelector basically uses radio buttons instead of checkbox buttons, allowing you to select only one term in the taxonomy — e.g. post categories (taxonomy: category).

This project is inspired by this (helpful) question on WordPress Stack Exchange. :-)

Usage in WordPress (production)

  1. Download build/index.js, rename it to my-term-selector.js and upload/save it in your theme/plugin folder.

  2. Link to the saved script; this example uses the admin_enqueue_scripts hook:

    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function(){
        if ( ! $screen = get_current_screen() ) {
        $post_types = [ 'post', 'my_cpt' ];
        if ( in_array( $screen->id, $post_types ) ) {
            // Make certain `wp-editor` is added as a dependency.
            wp_enqueue_script( 'my-terms-selector', 'url/to/my-term-selector.js', [ 'wp-editor' ] );
    } );

Technical Details

The main component is inside src/my-term-selector.js and it's based on hierarchical-term-selector.js for Gutenberg version 5.4.0-rc.1. When making changes to the component, make sure to check the latest version of the hierarchical-term-selector.js file in the Gutenberg (GitHub) repository. You should also check src/utils/terms.js which is required by the component.

Tried and tested working on WordPress 5.1.1.

Make Your Own

FRIENDLY WARNING: The npm install command below will install many, many Node packages/stuff; so if you don't want to go through that process, simply edit the build/index.js file, just as you would with any "standard" JavaScript scripts... ;-)

  1. Clone this repository. E.g. Into a directory named my-guten.

  2. Change to the directory (e.g. cd my-guten) and run npm install.

  3. Edit src/my-term-selector.js and/or src/index.js as your heart may desire.. :)

  4. Once ready, run npm run build to re-build the build/index.js for production.

Note that (for now) it's up to you to make (unit) tests and run the tests.

Also note that build/index.js was generated from the npm run start command so that you could easily "just change what necessary". But if you've run npm install, then you should run npm run build to build the production script (which is minified).



  1. If you're developing/testing in an actual React environment, make certain that all the external and WordPress dependencies are installed. E.g. npm install --save-dev lodash (external dependency) and npm install --save @wordpress/element (WordPress dependency).

  2. This project may or may not be maintained, so please consider it as an example or a learning resource — only. =)
