5and5 / BO1-StratTester

A mod for strat testing
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added dvar to change next special round #4

Closed lveez closed 1 year ago

TTS4life commented 2 years ago

I like having a dvar for special rounds. Is there any way we could implement this into a menu option to make it more easier for people to use? Like a special round toggle in options menu that constantly repeats special rounds for practice or something? (There's a bunch of examples for menu stuff in ui/options_game.menu

Just trying to brainstorm if there's any way we could make this more intuitive for people who might wanna practice special rounds. If not, Ill add some stuff in the readme for it noting its an option. Thanks!

lveez commented 1 year ago

I added the option to choose your next dog/doc/monkey round (+1-4 from the start round), added a map option for a hudelem to track the average kills per waffe shot (not including dogs), and fixed the bug where sometimes you get loads of dogs spawning when you first load der riese.

Not sure if this is the best way to implement the menu for the dog rounds but the main use case I saw for it was to be able to practice several rounds (e.g 70-100) with dog rounds.

lveez commented 1 year ago

Nice catch, only happened when 2 dog rounds were played in a row so didn't spot that one when I tested it. Should be all working now.