5axes / TabPlus

Automatique Tab Creation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tab Anti Warping +

Add element as rounded Tab to limit warping effect in print corner. This plugin is an improved version of my first plugin : TabAntiWarping.


Using Helper Disks, which act on the corners of your model to help keep everything pinned down. Once the print is finished, the disks can be cut away pretty easily.

Note : Actual solution is limited by the possibility to use just a global : Support X/Y Distance

The automatic functions of adding and deleting tabs make it easy to create each elements.

Automatix Function


Marketplace (recommended):

This plugin is now avalaible in the Cura marketplace. So you can install it automaticaly from this place:

Automatic Install

TabPlus on Ultimaker Market place


First, make sure your Cura version is 4.4 or newer.

Download or clone the repository into [Cura configuration folder]/plugins/TabPlus.

The configuration folder can be found via Help -> Show Configuration Folder inside Cura.

This menu opens the following folder:

How to use

Note: it's easier to add/remove tabs when you are in "Solid View" mode

Define as Capsule

Option "Define as Capsule" to create a Capsule style tab.


This new design has been integrated following the request of Reality4DEvolution in this post : Discussion #9

Capsule design

The new design should offer a bevel on the outsite of the tab to be much more easy to remove, as you can get the scraper under it, and start to remove the project much easier.


Number of layers

Option "Number of layers" to create tabs with several layers height.


If the number of layers is bigger than 1, then the Support Density is automaticaly set to 100%.

Message 100%

Automatic Addition

Add automaticaly the tab on the point of the Convex hull representation of the part.

The option "Set On Adhesion Area" offer to adds the tabs on the Adhesion Area border.

Automatix Addition

Remove All / Last

Button to remove the lasts tab created ( !but also every element defined as support type )

Remove All

YouTube video

Capsule Style