5yler / metatron

Autonomous Power Racing Series Racecar - ROS Metapackage
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Refactoring core codebase #2

Closed 5yler closed 7 years ago

5yler commented 7 years ago

Less hardcoding, more automated parameter loading in arduino_drive_controller and odom_tf_publisher. Also cross-compatibility for both cars, parameters defined in gigatron_hardware/config/<CAR>_platform.yaml


name: "Kilotron"
steering_pwm_range: 180
steering_angle_range: 0.76096 # [radians] 43.6 degrees
gear_ratio: 1                 # drive motors / wheels
wheel_diameter: 0.0666        # [m]
wheelbase_width: 0.1778       # [m]

This adjusts both the values being written to the Arduino, and the odometry publishing code to account for dimensionality differences between platforms.