5yler / metatron

Autonomous Power Racing Series Racecar - ROS Metapackage
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Integrate ZED with hardware and navigation launch files #22

Open 5yler opened 7 years ago

5yler commented 7 years ago

From the ZED ROS wrapper wiki page:

The ZED Stereo Camera is a lightweight depth camera based on passive stereo vision. It outputs up to 2208x1242 high-resolution stereo video on USB 3.0, and can work in high-speed mode in VGA at 100 FPS. The ZED SDK computes a depth map of the environment on the GPU of the host machine at the frame rate of the camera. It also gives you access to a strong odometry that learn its environment, making it able to relocate itself at any moment.



  • [x] add ZED launch file to gigatron_hardware
  • [ ] integrate ZED odometry with ekf_map.launch
  • [x] create launch file for rtabmap_ros RGB-D SLAM
5yler commented 7 years ago

Relevant tutorials for ZED integration with rtabmap_ros:

The former has info on setting up localization with a stereo camera like the ZED, the latter covers integration with other sensors on a mobile platform.

5yler commented 7 years ago

I think the ZED point cloud frame is set wrong in zed.launch. Double check and update as appropriate.