5z3f / lastchaos-classic-emulator

Experimental LastChaos Sandbox
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Some issues and workaround #3

Open detxz opened 1 year ago

detxz commented 1 year ago


Firstly, it's really impressive changes you've made these days, I definitely like it! Thank you!

Installation was quite smooth and easy. The only thing (except all required soft like Python, Desktop development with C++, etc.) I've created manually is a log folder in the root folder of the game because cmd gave me the error. After this, login/ game servers started successfully.

The other thing is about database. Well, I've installed the latest mysql server/ workbench and got this error during DB import: ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'transferAt'

It's linked to goldflow table and similar with datetime(3) value.

There are some solutions on stackoverflow, I've tested some of them, but it didn't help me really.

Then I've found another solution here and this helped me. It seems that the problem is in mysql in the newest versions: Solved the error by changing DATETIME to TIMESTAMP. As indicated in the manual, "Use of DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is specific to TIMESTAMP".

So instead of this line: transferAt datetime(3) NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp

I have this one: transferAt timestamp NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

I am really not sure how does it affects on all processes but by now it seems to be fine. At least, I have connection with DB and can change level, item +, etc.

So, by now everything is fine. I am also not sure if I can somehow contribute to the development process (API writing, etc,)... but if you need any help in the future to test some ingame processes, I'd love to do it.

Thanks again, and good luck!

5z3f commented 1 year ago

This database was made on MariaDB engine, you are using a different one and hence the error. https://mariadb.com/kb/en/datetime/

The table goldflow and itemflow is not yet used as there is no implemented trading system so you don't have to worry. It will still take a while before I implement it, because I want to do all the basic things like correct stats, active skils, passive skils, buffs first.

I needed more precision on this column, that's why the (3) is there and might cause troubles with other db engines. At first I thought of using a regular integer and put the timestamp there, but after some time I thought that this way would be better. Maybe I should change it later anyway.

Thank you, I will fix this error with the log folder.

Tests will be much needed, due to the fact that I am mostly skipping minor checks to speed up the progress. In the future, I will try to make a client emulator (in a "demo version", only for sending individual packets) that will also be very helpful for any testing.

detxz commented 1 year ago

Oh, okay, then I'll use MariaDB instead.

Sure, to have basic things at first is really important as it is essential part of a game. And after that it's probably a time to modify and implement a trading system, etc., if you think so.

I also see that some NPC (like guys which sells weapons/ amors) are not present in current version or another npcs located on a wrong place (I saw it only in Juno as I suppose other locations are not implemented yet). But yes, it's not such priority things as basic things.

By the way, just curious: what do you think about EP2 client? I think it's more common version for people as there is more so to say "native" interface and some basic locations present like Merac (or Egeha) and Streiana.

5z3f commented 1 year ago

I'll add stores when I begin working on the trading system.

The LC versions don't differ that much in terms of networking, so I want to finish this version first and upgrading to higher versions won't be difficult at all. EP2 is also on my mind.

detxz commented 1 year ago

Okay, fine, thank you for this information!