5z3f / lastchaos-classic-emulator

Experimental LastChaos Sandbox
18 stars 6 forks source link
gameserver last-chaos mmorpg




Set up the Database

Configure the Environment

Install Dependencies

Run the Servers

Client Version

This server is currently based on the following client: Version Nation Release date
1107 USA 07.2008

You can download it here.

Client Installation

Modify Connection Details

Apply Patches

Launch the Client

Log In



py ./tools/packet-sniffer.py --version <clientVersion> --packdefault <true/false>

Dumps sent/received packets into msglog.txt. The file is saved in your client directory. \ You need to have Python and Frida installed pip install frida to use it.


npm run tools/export-packet-definition <jsonfileName> <MessageType.h>

Export packet definitions from official sources into .json file.


npm run tools/convert-packet-dump <packetDefinitionsFilePath> <packetDumpFilePath>

Converts first two bytes (which should be type and subtype) of every dumped packet in msglog.txt file into packet definition names.


| File | Description | Offset(s) | From | To | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Engine.dll | IP Filter Patch | 0x107379 | 3C 3D 75 16 80 3D 29 C1 58 10 68 | E9 EC 03 00 00 90 90 90 90 90 90 | | Engine.dll | ReceiveFromServerNew() Encryption Patch | 0x11110F | 85 C0 7D 04 33 F6 EB 1F 8B 7B 04 8B C8 8B D1 C1 E9 02 8D B5 0C FC FF FF F3 A5 8B CA 83 E1 03 F3 A4 8B 75 08 89 43 10 | 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 | | Engine.dll | SendToServerNew() Encryption Patch | 0x111295 | 50 8D 4D BC E8 E2 0E 00 00 | 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 | | Engine.dll | RenderToolTip() Time Calculation Patch (WORLDTIME_MUL Removal) | 0x22268F, 0x222634, 0x2225DC | 18 | 01 | | EntitiesMP.dll | SendMyNextMovePosition() Tick Patch (1s -> 100ms) | 0x00ED880 | E8 03 00 00 | 64 00 00 00 |

You can download the patched game-ready files here:

Replace these files in the Bin folder.
