602p / blackboard

US Wordcloud maker
2 stars 2 forks source link


Tool to make wordclouds in the shape of states and assemble them into US maps



You can use run.sh buildmap reddit to generate a big-ol png map from reddit, or you can run liveserver.py to constantly refresh the stateclouds and provide a live web visualization at localhost:5000/sv/index.htm

To use the twitter_search backend you'll need to create a twitter_keys.json file with the requisite constructor args for the twitter API.

You can also push live integrated map and metadata updates to a configured FTP server with ftpworker.py if you create a sc folder on the server, upload the contents of the server_viz directory, and configure the account to start in the correct directory on login

I might add some real docs at some point, the whole things pretty quick-and-dirty


A running live web example is availible at fiftystat.es (how bout that domain, huh?) example image