6391-Ursuline-Bearbotics / BearSwerve

Swerve control, simulation, and trajectory generation / following. Everything you need for swerve.
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BearSwerve is intended to be an all in one swerve solution including: teleop driving, simulation, trajectory following and more. It combines the work of SDS swerve-lib, gerth2's Swerve Sim, and PathPlanner

Vendor Dependancy

Bearswerve is intended to be used as a vendor dependancy. It can be added using this online link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/6391-Ursuline-Bearbotics/BearSwerve/master/BearSwerve.json. You need to also have the: NavX, PathPlanner, CTRE Phoenix, and REVLib dependencies even if you aren't using them.

BearSwerve Support

While BearSwerve has currently only been tested on MK4 modules as mentioned above it borrows code from other established repositories and at least a portion of this code will probably make it into WPILib in the near future.

BearSwerve is intended and generic enough to support many different swerve modules and motor / hardware configurations with those modules.

Known Issues