This field extends Image Field adding a handy cropper to manipulate images. Can be configurable in the same way as a File field in Nova.
Run this command into your nova project:
composer require r64/nova-image-cropper
use R64\NovaImageCropper\ImageCropper;
In order to edit the existing image saved in the model, ImageCroper uses the preview method to return a base64 encoded image. You can either use the default implementation or override it as long as you return a base64 image.
use R64\NovaImageCropper\ImageCropper;
->preview(function () {
if (!$this->value) return null;
$url = Storage::disk($this->disk)->url($this->value);
$filetype = pathinfo($url)['extension'];
return 'data:image/' . $filetype . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($url));
You can add a rounded mask to the preview and the cropper
Define the fixed aspect ratio of the crop box.
For free ratio use:
Set your translations in the corresponding xx.json file located in /resources/lang/vendor/nova
"Edit Image": "Editar Imagen",
"Cancel Crop": "Cancelar Recorte",
"Change Image": "Cambiar Imagen",
"Done": "Hecho",
"Click here or drop the file to upload": "Click aquí o arrastra el archivo para comenzar la subida"