7yl4r / dahde-db

Designed Around Human Data Entry (DAHDE) Database
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The Designed Around Human Data Entry (DAHDE) Database concept is a human-UI-first approach to a document-database made for easy data-entry.

This is only a concept. It currently has no functioning parts.

Concept Summary

A static website serves a page for each entry. An entry here is a "document" in the database sense; markdown will be used to store the document. A CMS will be provided which allows for editing of the markdown text but this concept focuses more around the editing of the markdown header information. The header information will be encoded in YAML (or whatever wowchemy uses - I forget). The CMS will feature a fancy key-value (tag?) editor that suggests "keys" to add a value based on other key-value pairs (and other stuff?).

The documents

Each document header can have:

Querying the databse

Query pages can be generated to show key-values presented in a table with pages on each row. These pages will be very computationally expensive to generate and it may make sense to pre-build them.

First Steps & TODOs

other ideas: