PyTorch implementation of Aversarially Learned Inference
python3.5 --dataset=svhn --dataroot=<dataroot> --model_path=<saved_model_path>
Note : The provided model was trained for 100 epochs and gives an error rate of 23% as opposed to 19.5% reported in the paper. The original model's training was not stable in this implementation and I've used some GAN hacks like adding instance noise and selective training. Refer to this for more details :
author = {Vincent Dumoulin and
Ishmael Belghazi and
Ben Poole and
Alex Lamb and
Mart{\'{\i}}n Arjovsky and
Olivier Mastropietro and
Aaron C. Courville},
title = {Adversarially Learned Inference},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1606.00704},
year = {2016},
url = {},