941477276 / vue3-country-intl

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Mobile phone area code and nationality components based on vue3, compatible with PC and mobile terminals. vue3-country-intl has 3 modes ( input, popover, modal)

Plugin supported country data from:

1.1、Effect preview


fellow apprentices

Vue2.0 of the nationality / mobile phone area code selection plug-in (vue-country-intl)

  • vue-country-intl React of nationality/mobile phone area code selection plug-in(reaxt-country-intl)
  • react-country-intl Nationality/mobile phone area code selection plug-in for WeChat Mini Program(wx-country-intl)
  • wx-country-intl he most basic drop-down component that can be positioned intelligently(easyest-dropdown)
  • easyest-dropdown


npm install vue3-country-intl --save


1.3、Usage --.vue single file

import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import Vue3CountryIntl from 'vue3-country-intl';
// import css
import 'vue3-country-intl/lib/vue3-country-intl.css'

const app = Vue.createApp(App);
// Globally registered components
app.component(Vue3CountryIntl.name, Vue3CountryIntl);

/*****used in the component****/
    <vue3-country-intl v-model="countryCode"></vue3-country-intl>

1.4、Usage - import js files directly

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/941477276/vue3-country-intl/blob/master/lib/vue3-country-intl.css">
<script src="https://github.com/941477276/vue3-country-intl/raw/master/lib/vue3-country-intl.esm.min.js"></script>
  Vue.component('vue3-country-intl', vue3CountryIntl);
  new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {}


    <Vue3CountryIntl v-model="phoneCountry"></Vue3CountryIntl>



Use Chinese to display nationality names 使用中文显示国籍名称


    <button type="button" @click="schemaPopoverData.visible = true">选择手机区号</button>
        <button type="button" @click="schemaPopoverData.visible = true">选择手机区号</button>
        <template slot="vueCountryNoData"><h1>没有找到该国籍!</h1></template>




  <button type="button" @click="schemaModalVisible.default = true">选择手机区号</button>
  <Vue3CountryIntl schema="modal" modal-class="modal-class" :listZIndex="5000" v-model:visible="schemaModalVisible.default" v-model="schemaModal.default">
    <template slot="vueCountryNoData"><h1>没有找到该国籍!</h1></template>




1.schema: display mode

2.type: value type

3.placeholder: input placeholder

4.searchAble: Is it possible to search (data type: Boolean)

5.disabled: is disabled(data type:Boolean)

6.showAreaCode: Whether to display the area code in the input box(data type:Boolean)


  1. showLabelImg: Whether to display images in the input box (data type: Boolean)

  2. onlyValue: Whether to display only the selected value, but not the international name (data type: Boolean)

  3. listZIndex: The hierarchy of the list (data type: Number)

  4. maxHeight: The maximum height of the list, the default is 350px for PC, and 240px for mobile (data type: Number)

  5. selectedText: the text on the right side of the selected item in the list, the default is Selected

  6. showSelectedText: Whether to display the right 'Selected' text when the list item is selected, the default is true (data type: Boolean)

  7. readonly: whether to read only, default false (data type: Boolean)

  8. offsetTop: The distance between the popover window and the reference element. The default is 10. Only valid when schema=popover (data type: Number)

  9. popoverClass: extra class for popover pop-up window. Only valid when schema=popover (data type: String)

  10. searchInputPlaceholder: Search the placeholder text of the input box, only valid in schema=popover, schema=modal (data type: String)

17.modalClass: extra class for model pop-up window. Only valid when schema=modal (data type: String)

18: visible: control component display and hide, only valid in schema=modal, schema=popover modes (data type: Boolean)

19: cancelText: the text of the button to close the popup window, default: 'cancel', only valid in schema=modal mode (data type: String)

20: disableCountry: Disabled countries (country name, country code, country area code can be passed), strings or arrays can be passed, when passing strings, disable multiple countries separated by commas (data type: String|Array)

21: onlyCountry: Only display the specified country. You can pass a string or an array. When passing a string, multiple countries are separated by commas (data type: String|Array)

22: noDataText: The text displayed when no country data is found, if there is a vueCountryNoData slot, the slot content will be displayed first (data type: String)

23: iosMobileReadonly: Whether the input box of the ios mobile terminal is read-only (only valid in schema=input mode), the default is true, because if the ios mobile terminal is not in the read-only mode, the selection box will pop up (data Type: Boolean)

24: useChinese: Whether to display the nationality name in Chinese, the default is true (data type: Boolean)

25: static: Whether to use static layout (static layout) (only valid in schema=input mode), the default is false (data type: Boolean)

26: transitionName: transition name, you can customize the transition effect when the component is displayed/hidden. Default is '' (data type: string)

26: offset: The distance between the popover window and the click area (only valid in schema=popover mode). Default: [0, 10] (data type: Array)

27: rightOffset: The distance between the popover window and the right side of the browser, this value is only valid in small screens (only valid in schema=popover mode). Default: 20 (data type: Number)

28: iso2: It is best to pass this attribute when type=phone, to avoid the problem of incorrect echo when the area codes are 212, 358, and 1, because these area codes are used by multiple countries

29: appendToBody: Whether to insert the list into the body. Defaults to true (data type: Boolean)

30: filter: Sorting function, consistent with the callback function in Array.filter. Default is null (data type: Function) new in 2.0.2

31: sort: Sorting function, consistent with the callback function in Array.sort. Default is null (data type: Function) new in 2.0.2

32: transform: Data processing function, you can use this function to deeply customize the data list, such as sorting, filtering, pinning, etc. The return value is a list of processed pairs. Default is null (data type: Function) new in 2.0.3

33: clearable: Whether it can be cleared. If the value is true, the clear button will be displayed. The default value is false (data type: Boolean) New in 2.0.7


  1. show: show list

  2. hide: hide list

  3. getSelected: Get the selected list item

  4. getCountryInfo: Look up nationality information based on nationality code or country code

parameter name description default value
countryCodeOrAreaCode Nationality Code or Nationality Area Code ''
type value type phone
iso2 Nationality code ''


  1. vueCountryNoData:The slot displayed when no country data is found (removed after version 2.x)

  2. noData: empty data slot

  3. countryItem: custom list item slot

  4. selected: custom selected text slot

  5. emptyData: empty data slot

  6. customInputLabel:The contents of the input box, is only valid if schema=input

  7. clear: Clear the button slot on the right side of the input box. Only valid when schema=input

1.11. Events

  1. onChange: Triggered when the user manually selects a list item, and will pass selected and value to onChange (removed after version 2.x)

  2. change: event when the user manually selects a list item, callback parameter: function (country)

2, vue3-country-flag

A national flag flag component based on vue3

Effect preview



npm install vue-country-intl --save


Step 1: Install a plugin that supports using require.context() to import files in vite

npm install @originjs/vite-plugin-require-context -D


import ViteRequireContext from '@originjs/vite-plugin-require-context';
export default {
    plugins: [


import { createApp } from 'vue'
import Vue3CountryFlag from 'vue3-country-intl/lib/vue3-country-flag.esm.min.js';
// 引入css
import 'vue3-country-intl/lib/vue3-country-flag.css'

const app = createApp(..);
// import svg icons
let flagFilePath = require.context('vue3-country-intl/lib/country-flag-svgs', true, /\.svg$/);
app.use(VueCountryFlag, flagFilePath);

Use in component

    <Vue3CountryFlag value="cn"></Vue3CountryFlag>
    <Vue3CountryFlag value="+86">
      <template v-slot="{country}">
        <span class="slot-span">Country:<mark>{{country.name}}</mark></span>

2.3, props attribute

  1. value: nationality code or mobile phone area code value

  2. type: value type

  1. iso2: nationality code, when type=phone must pass the iso2 attribute, otherwise there will be problems when the area code is 212 or 358!

  2. useTitle: Whether to add title attribute to the element, the value of title is the code of nationality or mobile phone area code (data type: Boolean)

2.4, available method (method)

  1. getCountry: get detailed nationality information

2.5 Events

  1. click: click event