9von10 / ngx-cytoscapejs

Angular 13+ Cytoscape.js Wrapper
MIT License
16 stars 5 forks source link
angular cytoscape cytoscapejs


Documentation · Demo

This library is a wrapper for Cytoscape.js to be used from any Angular 13+ application.

Table of contents


ngx-cytoscapejs depends on Angular, Cytoscape.js, cx2js and cxVizConverter.

ngx-cytoscapejs Angular Cytoscape.js ng-add
0.3.x 13.x 3.x :x:
1.0.x 13.x 3.x :x:
1.1.x 13.x 3.x :x:
1.2.x 13.x 3.x :x:
1.3.x 13.x 3.x :heavy_check_mark:
1.4.x 14.x 3.x :heavy_check_mark:
1.5.x 15.x 3.x :heavy_check_mark:
1.6.x 16.x 3.x :heavy_check_mark:
1.7.x 17.x 3.x :heavy_check_mark:
1.8.x 18.x 3.x :x:


Add dependencies from npm:

npm install --save ngx-cytoscapejs

Then import the CytoscapejsComponent into your component:

import { CytoscapejsComponent } from 'ngx-cytoscapejs';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [CytoscapejsComponent],
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrl: './app.component.scss',
export class AppComponent {}
Before 1.8.x Using the [Angular CLI](https://angular.io/cli) is recommended: ```shell ng add ngx-cytoscapejs@ ``` ### Manual installation Add dependencies from npm: ```shell npm install --save-dev @types/cytoscape npm install --save ngx-cytoscapejs@ ``` Then import the CytoscapejsModule and add it to your module: ```tsx import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CytoscapejsModule } from 'ngx-cytoscapejs'; @NgModule({ declarations: [...], imports: [CytoscapejsModule], providers: [...], bootstrap: [...], }) export class AppModule {} ```


Add the cytoscapejs directive to your component's HTML:

<cytoscapejs [cytoscapeOptions]="cytoscapeOptions" [autoFit]="autoFit" (coreChanged)="coreChanged($event)"></cytoscapejs>

Configure the directive in your component:

import { Core, CytoscapeOptions } from 'cytoscape';
import { CxConverter } from 'ngx-cytoscapejs';

export class AppComponent {
  cytoscapeOptions: CytoscapeOptions = {...};

  autoFit: boolean = true;

  coreChanged(core: Core): void {
    // do something with the core

The component will take up 100% of the parent's height and width.


For a graph to render you have to provide either cytoscapeOptions or cxData. The remaining inputs are optional.


Name Type Default Description
cytoscapeOptions CytoscapeOptions Your Cytoscape graph data. You don't have to provide the container property as it will be overwritten with the component's referenced DOM element.
autoFit boolean true When set to true the graph will be fit every time the browser window is resized.
applyCxBackgroundColor boolean false When set to true, the background color specified in the CX1 file will be applied to the visualization.
cxData any Your CX graph data. The data is converted using the the converters provided in the cxConverters input.
cxConverters CxConverter[] [cx2js, cxVizConverter] Allows customizing the converters used by the library to convert the CX data. The library tries to convert the input data in the given order and renders the first successful conversion result.


Name Type Description
coreChanged Core Emits a Core every time a new core is created.
cxAttributeNameMapChanged CxAttributeNameMap Emits a CxAttributeNameMap every time a graph is converted using cx2js.



Value Description
cx2js Use cx2js for CX conversion
cxVizConverter Use cxVizConverter for CX conversion



Value Type Description
options CytoscapeOptions The CytoscapeOptions object resulting from the conversion.
attributeNameMap CxAttributeNameMap The attribute mapping created when converting the CX graph. This property is optional.
backgroundColor string The background color extracted from the CX graph. This property is optional.


Properties are unknown as they depend on the converted CX graph.

Getting help

If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc., please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.



Credits and references