The auto bed levelling does not work intuitively.
1. In the UI, add text to clearly indicate that the temperature that the user must enter is for the bed, not the nozzle, the note informing the use…
Bed levelling inaccurate due to filament residue on the nozzle. the preparation is not the same as with the original software, i think it is better solved there so that no filament remains on the nozz…
Hello. Thank you for the firmware branch. I got my BL Touch installed on my Sapphire Pro... and I got the Z-offset set. However, I am running into few issues:
Essentially, it appears the Z-offse…
Hello, I've got a problem I thing with this auto bed levelling function. I have BLtoutch sensor and no mater what I do the ABL is not probing twice for every point, it does ok two probes for the middl…
Anyone with skr mini e3 and ABL kit can make a guide what is needed to change in the firmware?
I try follow the marlin but when put g29 after g28 the printer halted
Hi there,
I am using printer with build platform size 500mm x 500mm and inductive proximity sensor. I am trying autobed levelling with Gcode G32 S2 with grid size 7 but i am getting error of .5 to 1 m…
(DE) Hallo knutwurst, ich habe alle Schritte genau befolgt, jedoch spinnt mein Kossel Linear Plus (keine Ultrabase, Probe Typ 1 mit -19.00 Offset ) beim Auto-Bed-Leveling (Configuration -> Delta Calib…
Let me know if I have done it wrongly.
Z endstop both min and max is connected to mechanical switch.
Test with G31 return
Z-probe state:L (result similar for both trigger and non trigger.
Test wit…
**Describe the bug**
I have followed your procedure step by step
G1 X110 Y110 Z5
Lowered the head and got the value of the Z & added M851 - Z-2.7 (in my printer)
Marlin enable to use the special command `M420 S1 Z10` to fade the ABL on a certain height, would be very nice if this was possible on Bambulab Printer to use this gcode or another to use fading on AB…