Right now the signature is
cross_validate(*args, project, **kwargs)
This doesn't play well with auto-complete and IDEs and inspection. As a user it would be much nicer if the signat…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [x] I have searched the existing issues
### Operating system
- [x] Linux
- [ ] Mac
- [ ] Windows
### Operating system version
For example one of the fol…
Expected a warning for this dataset:
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
bike_sharing = fetch_openml("Bike_Sharing_Demand", version=2, as_frame=True)
df = bike_sharing.frame
X =…
Dependabot detected a security issue, providing the solution to make scikit-learn >1.0.1. However Auto-sklearn pins it at version 0.24.2, supposidly it is on the development plane for v0.16 but develo…
**ISSUE**: `sparse` is `sparse_output` for newer versions of sklearn's `OneHotEncoder`
* [03_preprocessing notebook](https://github.com/dlab-berkeley/Python-Machine-Learning/blob/mai…
Paging @mfeurer @eddiebergman here for discussion.
The master/main branch of this contains a very bare bones POC version of auto-sklearn for fairness.
The following script runs on my system.
It c…
skl2onnx Version: 1.16.0
I have a simple model where the input is numpy.float64 and the model pipeline looks like this:
model3 = Pipeline(
("cast32", CastTransformer(dtype=num…
To accomodate users with less knowledge about ML, it might be a good idea to incorporate a wrapper for auto-sklearn, which automatically finds a good classification algorithm. It is a drop-in replacem…
With the following RMarkdown:
```{python results=FALSE}
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X,y = load_digits(return_X_y=True)
# Short Question Description
I have tried to install on mac and ubuntu. Both are failed.
Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Python 3.10 (Add #1260: Support for Python 3.10)
# System Details (if relevant)
* Ub…