Data could come from Clarivate, or google scholar.
- [ ] [Connecting cortex to machines: recent advances in brain interfaces](https://www.nature.com/articles/nn947) (2002)
- [ ] [Visual P300 Mind-Speller Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Walk Through t…
Submitting Author: Luca Simi (@lucasimi)
Package Name: tda-mapper
One-Line Description of Package: A Python library based on the Mapper algorithm for Topological Data Analysis.
Repository Link (…
You cited my github gist here https://github.com/dhicks/bibliometrics-workshop/blob/master/Getting%20%26%20Working%20with%20Bibliometric%20Data.md#sources-of-bibliometrics-data-1
Just to clarify, …
A catalog of algorithms/ML contributions would be great
This would go well with a catalog of ML/AI papers written by or for EA people.
Hello Massimo:
I really appreciate this great tool!
Following the example you provided, the AU_CO and AU1_CO produced by **pmApi2df(D)** function are NA. I inspect the source code and found that…
I get this error for **histPlot** function when using Bibliometrix package in R. My data comes from Scopus. How can we fix this error?
Submitting Author Name: Mauricio Pacha Vargas Sepulveda
Submitting Author Github Handle: @pachadotdev
Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none) @litalbarkai
Partly related to [JOSS & Web of Science](https://github.com/openjournals/joss/issues/1283), this is information gathered by @rossmounce while part of a group preparing a paper about JOSS:
Having n…