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@DomRoche you suggested dividing our scoring rubric into multiple hierarchical levels, perhaps something like this:
- Broad rubric, applied to all papers
- Taxa
- Devices
- Data availabili…
How will Movebank, OTN, iOBIS, LivingAtlases, etc ingest the data that we are recommending use these guidelines?
configure the matomo app for the client
+ a statistics module on the API side
A goal deliverable for this project is a checklist funding agencies and journals can use to assess compliance of biologging datasets with data sharing policies.
@domroche pointed us towards "minimu…
## As a...
bio-logging data curator
## I want to...
enable interoperability of similar measurements from a wide range of non-standardized data from different sensor manufacturers and bio-logging…
> I feel that it would be really useful to differentiate types of study, eg: acoustic telemetry vs gps telemetry vs geolocation vs radio tracking. Is this the right job for samplingProtocol - should w…
### Describe the bug, including details regarding any error messages, version, and platform.
I am trying to save gps data from an online biologging database to a local arrow dataset using R studio wi…
2 cases when the download button should not be displayed :
- no archive to be downloaded (how to test ? curl ?)
- dataset is saying isPublic=false
display the embargo date instead ?
in the …
**Tracking data without organism IDs**
I guess there is nothing wrong in it not being there, but it would be nice.
Many of them seem to be the same organism, but there is nothing in the data telling …