Bitly has an [OpenAPI specification](https://dev.bitly.com/v4/v4.json) for its API - it'd probably be better (easier, more maintainable) to automatically generate the API client via a generator.
As of March, 2020, Bitly will update its API to v4.
See https://dev.bitly.com/v4_documentation.html for the update.
The scaffold currently has a pattern of [Modules](https://github.com/10up/wp-scaffold/blob/trunk/mu-plugins/10up-plugin/includes/classes/Module.php) and a way to [initialize these modules](https://git…
When I try to minify the URL in case of EddystoneURL, I have the "**java.util.MissingResourceException The Bitly API key is missing**". Could you be so kind to tell me what should I do in this ca…
# Referencia de la API de Bitly
API de Bitly (4.0.0)
## Bitlinks
Los Bitlinks son enlaces acortados. Pueden comenzar con el dominio bit.ly o con su propio dominio corto personalizado (BSD).
#### E…
Our lib is for Bitly Api v4.
Try this script int he console
create table bitly.shorten
on insert get from "http://api.bitly.com/v3/shorten?login={^login}&apiKey={^apikey}&longUrl={^longUrl}&format={format}"
using d…
Sorry if this is really obvious, I'm new to Python. When I try to import the bitly_api library into my application I get the above error. To narrow down the problem (in case it was one of the other li…
The `Connection._call` timeout argument defaults to `5000` but seems to be unused.
Using : https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/dynamic-links/link-shortener
Links are automatically truncated to Daftdor.is URL usiong the BITLY API