I trust that the code currently works, but should the `runtime-cljs` line say `:include-macros true`? The clojurescript compiler's spec expects only `true`: https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript/bl…
common helpers for malli assertions for tests. Can be done in user space, but, might be handy as a ns like `malli.test`.
From Slack:
> aaron51 21 hours ago
> Yes, it is straightforward enough …
If I update my Clojure dependency from 1.6.0 to 1.10.1, clj-tagsoup no longer works.
From the repl, I get the following when trying to :require tagsoup:
CompilerException java.lang.Except…
⚠️ Imported from legacy repository. This issue is a duplicate of https://github.com/Clojure-Intro-Course/babel-legacy/issues/138.
(/ 3)
Default Error: Unable to resolve spec: :corefns.corefns…
## Desired Behavior
Code needs a good documentation.
A lot of documentation is written as function description or clojure specs.
There should be some support for building and publishing documenta…
I added the `rebel-clj` bit to my `.zshrc` file some time ago and never had any problems.
Recently (after upgrading to the latest Clojure) I added the `rebel-cljs` part but can't seem to get it sta…
Clojure inherits Java's support for scientific notation: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-3.html#jls-3.10.2
C++'s floating point docs: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/…
jeaye updated
3 weeks ago
Some of the entries like:
{"caller_class":"clojure.lang.Compiler$ObjExpr", "result":true, "args":[[]], "function":"getDeclaredConstructor", "tracer":"reflect", "class":"clojure.core.specs.alpha$…
Would like to have better support for namspaced keys in fnk-destructuring. Current status:
``` clj
(= 1 (plumbing.core/letk [[a/b] {:a/b 1}] b))
; => true
which is great, but would like to …
The new alpha releases of Clojure do compile-time checking for core macros like `ns`, `defn`
Trying to require clj-tagsoup on Clojure 1.9.0-alpha12 throws the following big error and shows that the p…