please guide me i try to compile but always error
`note: initializing argument 3 of 'esp_err_t nvs_get_i32(nvs_handle_t, const char*, int32_t*)'
375 | esp_err_t nvs_get_i32 (nvs_handle_t handl…
Would love to have bruce working on my 7 inch cyd
esp32-8048s070 ive found it has a different screen controller then the others any support would be greatly appreciated !!!
I would like you to add support for the new CYD.
I have this CYD and I can't figure out what it is.
It has a 2.4screen as well as a Capactive touch, ESP32-2432S024 is written on the back, this CYD h…
1. Баг с использованием Pwnagochi. После его использования надпись "SD" сползает на иконку WiFi.
2. Баг с Megalodon. Кнопка UP не работает
3. Баг с WebUI. При запуске WebUI через WiFi Connect, не по…
With optimism, I'd picked up a 3.5" version of the CYD, intentions of having a larger display for the Marauder functions/ better readability- I attempted to utilize the flasher available from [Fr4nkFl…
I'd like to request a place to list the variants of CYD. I recognize that this is built around the micro-USB-only variant, but the USB-C variant is common too, and I can get it shipped for $9.50. Work…
Starting with the example code at: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/lvgl-cheap-yellow-display-esp32-2432s028r/
Using platormIO, I find if you add an include to wire.h and XPT2046_Touchscreen_TT for …
Buenas una consulta, estoy implementando facturacion usando greenter pero me he dado cuenta que en las notas faltan algunas cosas por añadir, como en la nota de debito
Tried to upload code to cyd with capacitive touch screen, but with no luck. Screen is black
here is example of board https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005006729707613.html
I think its better than resistiv…
Hi, lovely project, I was trying to setup it in the [CYD2USB](https://github.com/witnessmenow/ESP32-Cheap-Yellow-Display/blob/main/cyd.md#my-cyd-has-two-usb-ports) variant and it seems to work besides…