The website does not have a dedicated "About Us" page. This absence makes it difficult for users to learn about the brand, its values, and the products offered, which is important for a clothing shopp…
- [ ] desgin sprites
i can desgin ui for the profile page of the user
The new ClientHttpRequestFactoryBuilder is fantastic. Are there any plans or desire to bring a similar builder for ClientHttpConnectors for configuring WebClients?
Within each Attorney Profile view, there is a "Previous Prosecutors" section:
As with the Attorney Profile itself along with the Attorney Cards on the homepage, this "Previous Prosecutors" sect…
Could you please improve the UI/UX experience of share plugin? I’d really appreciate it.
For reference, please take a look at the Notion and Capacities sharing feature. In Capacities, the user-frie…
화면을 엑셀처럼 grid로 다 조져놓고, (겹치는거 까지 표현해야하니 3d 로(z-index))
grid의 각 칸은 고유의 id를 가진다.
각 컴포넌트의 영역을 설정할 때,
grid의 id만 설정하면 끝날 수 있도록.
nó là như thế này
khi desgin trên figma ấy thì sẽ có những component ta dùng lại
thì h ta code nó ra riêng cũng như là desgin trên figma bằng những component đó
trên tinh thần là tách các componen…