Would it be possible to create a Dockerfile so we can run the whole pipeline out of the box? It would be very practical to use this Dockerfile directly or use it as a dependency list to set up the env…
Allow the application to run in a container.
FROM dpage/pgadmin4:8.6
USER root
RUN setcap -r /usr/bin/python3.11
Dear Professor Nakato,
Building the docker image for Dockerfile.full fails, resolved the issue by changing jaxlib==0.1.75 to jaxlib==0.3.7
I also added support for doubletdetection
&& micromamb…
I've written a simple docker file to help developing and using the project:
hope it could help
Package my signCLIP setup into a Dockerfile
in the Dockerfile, `bin/docker/Dockerfile`, we would probably want to pull the `3_20` bioconductor container
Hi! First off, truly impressive work. Thank you for sharing.
Im trying to make a Dockerfile, included below, but erroring out on the last part.
# Use Ubuntu 20.04 as base image
FROM osrf…
Mac, Docker Desktop
I cannot install it.
ERROR: failed to solve: failed to read dockerfile: open Dockerfile: no such file or directory
View build details: docker-desktop://dashboard/build/def…