Are there some tools already written to easily animate graphs?
A lot of graph algorithms and other concepts related to them can be explained very easily with animations, and I think `manim` is the …
Just a place to dump excess, redundant learning objectives in case we need them.
- model a physical vibrating system and understand it's essential motion characteristics
- numerically integrate no…
Her er rundt to hundre forslag til termer. De er for det meste hentet fra algebraisk geometri og nærliggende felt.
Jeg har satt et spørsmålstegn foran forslagene som jeg er usikre på, eller som jeg m…
Hi! I think OpenSCAD misses a relatively simple feature - bend modifier... I've found some modules implemented in OpenSCAD, but they work by cutting the object in parts, rotating and glueing them toge…
Enabling the type piracy report in `test/Aqua.jl` currently reports 721 (!) instances of type piracy (with Julia 1.9). That's really bad, and might explain partially of why loading Hecke is comparativ…
Just wondering if you implemented it and if it is stable enough to use...
I was thinking to apply drag, from thw wikipedia drag equation , then push the fluid away from the normals of the immersed t…
If we look at any CI it is obvious that `make check` is the most time consuming part of the sequence
$ ./bootstrap.sh
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make tests
$ make check
Now, there is no …