When parsing scientific names that include a comma within the authorship, the GBIF name parser incorrectly splits the authorship and fails to parse the name properly.
1. Fails:
Query: `https://api.g…
The [Biofokus dataset](https://doi.org/10.15468/jxbhqx) was last published 2024-10-28, three days ago, even if set to auto-publishing daily at 12:00.
I have now tested to publish manually which see…
# Three new data files for the dataset of Nils Valland
I think we have agreed that:
1. We want a conversion only demo installed in PROD at https://mdt.gbif.org/ - we will link this from the tools menu at gbif.org. This is supposed to be used for real da…
**Vaccinium stramineum doesn't exist**
See: https://www.gbif.org/species/7327996
These are all typos, should be Vaccinium stamineum (no 'r'').
- tyler
User: [See in registry](https://w…
Katrine Kongshavn presented the node at the [Norwegian Symposium of Biosystematics](https://www.forbio.uio.no/events/meeting/2024/Norsk%20symposium%20i%20biosystematikk%202024) in Oslo on 2024-10-30
**Omosita japonica**
There is no taxon Omosita japonica (Reitter, 1874)
User: [See in registry](https://www.gbif.org/api/feedback/user/f0bc572ed55369d43ee5b7f2ce6c331e:1fea1dd6629adb56e34d7c…
I'm trying to validate the iNaturalist checklist (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/inaturalist-taxonomy.dwca.zip)
and I have the following issue using the Data Validator (https://www.gbif.org/…
**postpone deletion**
Hi, why there is no option for postponing my download deletion? Sorry for asking it again.
Best regards,
Dominik Tomaszewski
User: [See in registry](https://www.gbif.or…
## Botanical Garden "Iulias & Alexandros Diomidos", National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
**GRSciColl URL**: https://www.gbif.org/grscicoll/institution/0b5e21e6-295e-4a20-b455-cc6155d9a2b2
spalp updated
3 weeks ago