When trying to open Guppy, the window will just stay stuck on the loading screen. No errors showing up in the conda window
As an optional step, it would be nice if the pipeline can also run Dorado.
Example code can be found here, bc it is not so easy to make Dorado usable on different architectures (local, HPC, ...) d…
Ability to decorate functions as unitaries (perhaps `Array -> Array`)
This is either used as a hint or is enforced by checking the definition.
It may be possible to use the HUGR extension system f…
E.g. when trying to run the test
def test_guppy_error(validate):
module = GuppyModule("test")
def bad(x: int) -> int:
return y # y not defin…
Here are a couple of example programs that fail type-checking at the moment:
def foo(q: qubit) -> None:
q = qubit()
def bar(q1: qubit, q2: qubit, a: angle, b: bool) -…
Guppy shows this error. could anybody explain what is this about?
I performed buttery-eel basecalling on the slow5 file and got the fastq file. I want to detect m6A modification. Can I extract information from the slow5 file and the resulting fastq file to build a m…
connecting to a wifi ap via guppy screen connection, while connects to the ap does not provide ip via dhcp like ethernet does.
Thank you for creating the nci-scripts to enable buttery-eel execution.
While I was testing and adapting these scripts I found that the use '--guppy_batchsize' breaks the execution when using the n…
Can I use this version of Guppy to base call reads that have r10.4 flow cells and e8.1 enzyme? I believe the guppy base caller version was v5.0.15