The web is currently based on HTTP and it's client-server foundations, but there's other ways for data to be published and seen by users. This talk will go over how we can have a more resilient founda…
I just finished watching your [excellent presentation from the IIIF 2022 conference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZzgOvBpKL4&list=PLYPP1-8uH9c6iAN6nZ-XWBhtwZW_lSesZ&index=4)!
Are you familiar w…
Current latest version of (hypercore)[https://github.com/hypercore-protocol/hypercore] is 8. We are using v7.
Task is to migrate our codebase to use hypercore v8.
I'm wondering if the hypercore-next protocol is documented somewhere?
I'm especially curious about how multiwriter support is being implemented.
Hi Mitchell!
I am excited to see the work that you started on this IPFS interface. I'm one of the developers of [hyperdrive.el](https://ushin.org/hyperdrive/hyperdrive-manual.html), an Emacs inter…
When installed with the latest version of `noise-protocol` (`3.0.2` published Jan 2023) the following error occurs:
in browser
simple-hypercore-protocol.js?v=268406e5:355 Uncaught TypeError: …
It turns out that peers need to agree on the heartbeat rate, otherwise they'll incorrectly detect a dead connection. For instance, if peer A expects a rate of 1 every 1s and peer B expects a rate of 1…
The www subdomain should redirect. It is easy to link to the wrong place, for example the Dat website does (see https://github.com/datproject/docs/pull/175).
This existed a while ago in https://github.com/holepunchto/hypercore/pull/49
It would be useful to be able to "unreplicate" a core from a hypercore protocol stream, without destroying the underlyin…
TypeError: Cannot read property 'download' of undefined
at Protocol.add (/home/pfrazee/hashbase/lib/archiver.js:378:36)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Protocol.emit (events.js:189:7)