I studied the program because I would like to automate the extraction of com params for a personal project. For instance, `CP_UniqueRespIdTable`, `CP_StMin`...
I noticed in the strings ex…
In this mode, the ELM327 behaves completely different.
Mainly the answers to a PID request are different.
Is it feasible to build this into the app? Do users need this?
I need a car…
Having the names that the users enter be stored on the device removes the requirement of always having the config file.
FRAM has plenty of room to store the strings, but sending strings over CAN w…
Many automotive systems (e.g. ISOTP as per [ISO 15765-2](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_15765-2)) require a minimum inter-frame-delay when transmitting consecutive CAN frames.
Since TWAI is usin…
GMLAN is based on ISO 15765-2.
ISO 15765-4 and SAE J2284
probably https://github.com/openxc/uds-c
[page 45](http://elmelectronics.com/DSheets/ELM327DS.pdf). Up to 6 PIDs can be sampled with a single command. This would be much more efficient. The multiline protocol handlers will need to be fully w…
This is how CAN logging with for example a obdlink sx cable is possible on the imiev:
sudo ldattach --debug --speed 2000000 --eightbits --noparity --onestopbit --iflag -ICRNL,INLCR,-IXOFF 30 /dev/t…
how do i properly set flow control for 11bit id ??
Can you share an example ?
hi, i have sent different Json with different PIDs but without success : I have Nissan Leaf with ISO 15765-4 protocol and ID 11 bits, 500 [kBd] so I have tried with a Json like this :