need to push gem to github from windows
# 깃허브 블로그 만들기 | journey-world
Jekyll 테마를 이용하여 Github Blog 만들기
Whilst looking for alternatives to Jekyll I noticed that Hugo has many features that makes it very suitable for a replacement in our case.
Documentation under https://gohugo.io/documentation/
I …
This plugin seems to be quite new but depends on Jekyll v3.0.0 which is 9 years old. Currently, they have v4.3.4. Is there a reason why this plugin requires on old version?
# Welcome to Jekyll! | Your awesome title
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa…
I forked the repository but when I try to deploy the content to GitHub Pages from `develop` or `v26.0` tag, the deployment fails with error
Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line 31): Unk…
Right now if you run `jekyll serve`. It takes 4 to 5 minutes before the site is served at `localhost:4000`, and it takes just as long for any changes to the MD files to be reflected on the site. I ev…
Could we publish our slx and core specs using Jekyll and Gihub pages, just like we do for the rest of our docs?