Installing ingress-nginx plugin with krew failed with an error download https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/releases/download/controller-0.31.0/kubectl-ingress_nginx-linux-amd64.tar.gz 404.
Thanks for this bot. We are looking to use this bot with our hosted custom plugin index.
ref: https://krew.sigs.k8s.io/docs/developer-guide/custom-indexes/
Is that possible? If not, could that be…
The role doesn't work when referenced in requirements.yml as:
- src: andrewrothstein.krew
Reason: it depends on this role which predates the move of the binaries.
- n…
### Current Behavior
### Desired Behavior
Develop a kubectl plugin via krew to streamline managing MeshSync configurations directly from the command line. This integration will enable users to e…
$kubectl krew install ingress-nginx
Updated the local copy of plugin index.
Installing plugin: ingress-nginx
W1202 05:52:13.993866 126948 install.go:164] failed to install plugin "ingress…
I believe this is missing the `krew install krew` step of the official install.
It is not immediately avaiable as a kubectl plugin without running this command.
I'm getting the error below while running the command `.\krew install krew` on a Windows command prompt:
Updated the local copy of plugin index.
Installing plugin: krew
W0902 12:18:56.272683 …
When I try to list out all ingresses or lint my configurations using the ingress-nginx krew plugin it fails. Note that it is installed in the `default` namespace. All other commands work as expected. …
Build-plugin associated build files are missing
.PHONY: build-plugin
build-plugin: ## Build ingress-nginx krew plugin.
@build/run-in-docker.sh \
PKG=$(PKG) \
I want to use XDG base directories (#815) and got this suggestion from [this post](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/issues/815#issuecomment-1329299610):
We offer facilities like KREW_RO…