**Steps to Reproduce**
1. Go to Molecules mode
2. Load from file: [Spliting molecule on pieces with attachment points of each cause crash when switching to Macro mode.zip](https://github.com/user-at…
**Steps to Reproduce**
1. Load from file: [Unble to save to micro-macro molecult to MOL V2000, system throws an error number does not fit.zip](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/15992300/Unble…
**Steps to Reproduce**
1. Go to https://lifescience.opensource.epam.com/KetcherDemo/index.html?api_path=/v2
2. Sketch benzene ring
3. Aromatize
4. Click Periodic Table
5. Click list
6. Click C a…
At the moment this info is being being ignored.
- Would be an option (probably defaulting to true but only being used when useChirality is enabled)
How this is handled in other places:
- **Bing…
it seems that bingo-elastic for substructure search is not really working
**Steps to Reproduce**
1.example from Substructure Search(https://lifescience.opensource.epam.com/bingo/user…
as per discussion with the Bioschema group at the Rothamsted meeting.
property: Technology (syn:Technique)
description: which data acquisition techniques were used to produce "variable measured"
**Steps to Reproduce**
1. Go to https://lifescience.opensource.epam.com/KetcherDemoSA/index.html
2. Click on 'Open' --> 'Paste from clipboard'
3. Paste the following SMILES string: C1=C(C(=C(C(=C1)…
In [`34ffbd1`](https://github.com/BBMRI-ERIC/status/commit/34ffbd1d9cf5eddcbacc7ffc180a80fd3f188aa0
), LifeScience Login (https://login.bbmri-eric.eu/oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration) was **down*…
i found this error when running metacompass
please help me to understand what is that error mean and how to solve it
usage: snakemake [-h] [--dry-run] [--profile PROFILE] [--cache [RULE .…
I have been trying to make memory retry work on our system without sucess.
Read all docs and previous issues I could find, but it still doesn't work for us.
I have written a test wdl with …