@Niketkumardheeryan I would like to add a lip read model(LipNet) using CV
This project aims to build a lip reading model that takes a video of speech without audio and produces the output as text t…
Is it possible to use Google Translate tts endpoint instead of
ttsEndpoint: "https://eu-texttospeech.googleapis.com/v1beta1/text:synthesize",
I'm looking to create custom [viseme](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/speech-service/speech-synthesis-markup-structure#viseme-element) animations for lip syncing in my project.
Excellent work!
Amazing LipVoicer!
I have a small question about the evaluation metric of sync: LSE-C and LSE-D.
Hi there,
Thank you so much for your work on this project. It's truly amazing, and I’m excited to see all the innovative tools that people will build based on it. I can already imagine many will in…
Wanted to enquire if this will work for multiple people talking in the same frame. If yes, how to produce the .lips video and the .pkl for the original video
Hello, I trained Syncnet and wav2lip to reduce the loss to between 0.25-0.3, but after actual inference, I found that the lip shape of the character is not moving. May I ask what is the reason for thi…
**python -V
python 3.10.10**
python speech_changer.py 2.wav els.mp4 -o out.mp4
E:\Program\python\python3.10.10\lib\site-packages\torchvision\transforms\functional_tensor.py:5: UserWarning: The…
Half-way excuse to ask why it seemingly is not possible to give on ko-fi firstly as I'm aiming give slightly above blendermarket-asking due to assumed future time savings, patreon does not allow one-o…
For unclear reasons the voice-based lipsync does not work with Lucas-Arts speech style.
I cannot imagine the reason, as the only difference are character animation and the way text is displayed, ne…