Outside Wikipedia, Stardown currently ignores `` elements and all their descendants when the output type is "markdown" (when the output type is "markdown with some HTML", the `` elements are kept as H…
Knowledge base reference: http://kb.daisy.org/publishing/docs/html/mathml.html
I hope that the input of mathematical formulas and symbols can support the use of LaTeX or MathML, which is more compatible. Of course, existing methods can also be retained for coexistence
Let's focus on the issues that are labelled 118n-needs-resolution first, so that we can advance.
* Define that (and how) glyph assemblies are mirrored in rtl formulas #235
* Explain the mappi…
This is a [known bug](https://temml.org/docs/en/administration#browser-issues) in the implementation of MathML in Webkit.
There are two possible workarounds, listed with better option first:
1. We…
Adding unnecessary &nbsb; and comma(",") while rendering big math equations.
**Example 1:**
CComponent j=∑i=1nxi*Cf; 1≥xi≥5;∀i
![big euation](https:…
Not sure whether this is a bug-report, feature-request, or whether I've failed to find configuration options that handle the situation correctly.
MathJax fails to process this part of a MathML bloc…
DocBook allows use of [MathML](https://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/5.2/_any.mml) which could be useful for nicely rendering some mathematical related equations or code.
Was no point to bother previously as…
Originally from:
* https://github.com/plurimath/plurimath/pull/304#issuecomment-2480466958
When we use one lutaml-model gem with another lutaml-model gem, we are effectively adopting this flow:
This is an "Epic" (in the sense of a parent issue for related sub-issues)
Maybe this is lost in some old discussion on some of the MathML implementation issue? Anyhow, here's a list (to be enriched…