Re-implement [ac-library](https://github.com/atcoder/ac-library) here in Haskell!
- [ ] convolution.hpp
- [x] dsu.hpp
- [x] fenwicktree.hpp
- [ ] internal_bit.hpp
- [x] internal_csr.hpp
- [ ] …
This isn’t an issue, but an update I’ve been eager to share. I’ve created a Python version of the Cut Pursuit algorithm that leverages Python-specific libraries, moving away from the Boost library.
### What is your question?
When is the Minimum Cost Flow algorithm expected to be available? I found an old question from 2021 mentioning that it was added to the roadmap.
Thanks in advance!
### Cod…
## main
### Now: SccGraph, MfGraph, MinCostFlowGraph
- The name style of the struct is different.
### Expected1: Scc(or SCC), MaxFlow, MinCostFlow
- Short and readable.
- Each struct name equ…
Dear experts,
I try to generate the gridpack with the cards from cmssw/genproductions/tree/master/bin/MadGraph5_aMCatNLO/cards/production/2017/13TeV/diphotonJets_5f_NLO_FXFX_Mgg80ToInf
The version…
Expose the MaxFlow algorithm implemented in version 1.x of gunrock through an external API.
import module maxflow error. pip install maxflow says that there is no module named maxflow.
https://open.kattis.com/problems/whichwarehouse TLEs very often starting at n=m=10 due to infinite looping.