First time xfemm user. I tried to set up the matlab interface to xfemm by running mfemm_setup(). It started compiling nicely (see below) but then I got an error
`>> mfemm_setup()`
I'd like to compile a version with a native Apple Silicon version of MATLAB.
I have successfully built Ipopt (using coinbrew) and an Octave MEX interface, but I am afraid I don't know how to get me…
运行 coptmex_install后
Installing MATLAB interface for Cardinal Optimizer on Windows system...
Add and save path D:\toolbox\matlab\copt-matlab\lib to MATLAB search path.
MEX 文件 'D:\toolbox\matlab\copt…
I have been trying to build the mex-file on Windows 10 with the free MinGW64 Compiler (C++)' and using he latest LeapMotion SDK and keep getting the errors:
Error using mex
Thanks for providing CLandMark. However, I couldn't compile successfully the Mac OSX Binaries for Matlab interface. Maybe, if you can provide theses ones for Mac OSX, I'll appreciate a lot.
I …
I set up all the necessary matlab paths for cmake, and successfully generated the makefile.
But when I get to compile the Matlab wrapper, I get the following compilation error:
`[ 10%] Building CX…
On linux, after successfully building the Matlab interface to Nomad (cmake commands) and setting the Matlab path to where the NOMAD libraries are located (Matlab addpath command) we can obtain the fol…
Issue created by migration from Trac.
Original creator: zhaoye8810
Original creation time: 2017-05-04 14:33:30
Assignee: ferreau
Version: 3.2.1
Hello, I try to run the matlab file `runOCP.m` from…
I have the following problem when I want to compile matconvnet for GPUS:
>> vl_compilenn('enableGpu', true)
vl_compilenn: CUDA: MEX config file: '/home/anselmo/Experimentos-Impressora-DeepLear…
Hello, when I build qpDUNES in ./interfaces/matlab by running 'make.m', the following error shows up.
Building with 'Xcode Clang++'.
gcc -c -D__cpluplus -D__MATLAB__ -DLINUX -DMATLAB_MEX_…